Five key points of Tremella cultivation

1. The cultivation period of Tremella in the cultivation season is 35 to 45 days, and the mycelial growth stage is 15 to 20 days. The cultivation of Tremella is in spring and autumn, and the temperature is stable at about 25 ℃. In order to increase ---MORE---

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Reasons and solutions for watermelon not growing new ro…

1. Improper fertilizer and water management Basic fertilizer is generally applied when planting watermelon. Basic fertilizer is mostly farmyard manure or organic fertilizer. It can increase ground temperature, improve soil structure, increase soil organi ---MORE---

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Cultivation techniques of head lettuce

1. Selection of the sowing period. Lettuce likes low humidity and cool environment. The autumn cultivation and sowing period is from late September to mid-November. Seedlings can also be grown in protected areas in early spring, and planted from late Apri ---MORE---

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"Five Steps" to Prevent and Control Radish Bi…

1. Soil. To grow radishes, you must choose a plot with deep soil and good drainage. If there are hard objects such as rocks in the soil, it will hinder the growth of radish roots, which will cause the lateral roots of radish to expand and bend and cause r ---MORE---

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Fertilizer and water management of peanut in the middle…

Apply key fertilizers to prevent defertilization and premature senescence Film-mulched peanuts grow vigorously and consume a lot of nutrients during the pod-setting stage. Defertilization often occurs in the later stage, leading to leaf fall, premature ag ---MORE---

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How to choose an orchard sprayer

Now more and more fruit farmers choose orchard sprayers, but there are many specifications, models and manufacturers of orchard sprayers on the market. So, how to choose an orchard sprayer? First, we must understand the types of orchard sprayers Includi ---MORE---

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How to prevent too fast aging of greenhouse film

1. The time of high temperature and stuffy shed should not be too long "High temperature stuffy shed" is very harmful to the shed film. It is understood that long-term use of high temperature and stuffy sheds in greenhouses can significantly re ---MORE---

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