The most inconspicuous 6 kinds of all-round food

Some foods are rich in nutrients and can be called "the king of nutrition." They can help people quickly replenish natural nutrients. You may wish to learn about their nutritional advantages and eat them scientifically in daily life.



Americans hailed mushrooms as "food for God." Japanese people think that mushrooms are located at the "peak of plant foods."... Mushrooms are rich in nutrients and delicious, rich in various minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and polysaccharides.

1. Mushrooms are the only botanical source of vitamin D. Research by the American Society of Biochemistry and Microbiology found that before eating fresh mushrooms, it was put in the sun and dried in the sun. The effect of vitamin D supplementation was comparable to dietary supplements.

2. Mushrooms are also known as "vitamin A treasure house," because it is rich in carotene and can be converted to vitamin A in the body after ingestion.

3. Mushrooms are also anti-cancer and anti-cancer experts. Especially mushrooms are rich in lentinan, which can effectively improve the body's ability to inhibit malignant tumors.

Reminder: When soaking mushrooms, don't spend too much time, 20 to 40 minutes is better, otherwise the aroma and nutrition will be lost.


Autumn is a good time to eat pumpkin. Pumpkin contains carbohydrates, carotene, dietary fiber, amino acids, polysaccharides, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

1. Carotene is rich in pumpkin, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body, effectively protect eyesight, promote bone development, and maintain skin health.

2. Pumpkin is a high-calcium, high-potassium, low-sodium food, which will help prevent osteoporosis and hypertension.

3. Chromium in pumpkin can promote insulin secretion, high fiber can delay the absorption of sugar in the small intestine, so it has a certain role in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

4. The pectin in the pumpkin has strong adsorption, can eliminate harmful substances in the human body, improve human immunity, and can also promote ulcer healing.

5. Eating pumpkin can also increase satiety and help reduce food intake and weight control. It is suitable for diabetics and obese people.

6. Eat pumpkin is also conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, protect the prostate, fight cancer and promote sleep.

Reminder: Diabetic patients should give preference to tender pumpkins. If you want to use a pumpkin as a staple food, do not exceed the amount of one staple food per day.

sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are recognized by the World Health Organization as "champion vegetables." Sweet potato has high nutritional value and is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.

According to the statistics of the National Nutrition Database of the US Department of Agriculture, a medium-sized sweet potato can meet the daily requirement for vitamin A of the human body by 400%, the demand for vitamin C by 37%, and the demand for vitamin B6 by 16%.

1. The most important feature of sweet potato is its rich and excellent dietary fiber, which is conducive to gastrointestinal motility and can prevent constipation.

2. Sweet potatoes are the absolute king of “high potassium and low sodium”. A study published in the United States "Prevention" magazine found that sweetpotato and other potassium-rich foods can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.

3. Sweet potatoes can also fight cancer. Sweet potatoes once topped the list of "Anticancer Vegetable List" published by Japan National Cancer Research Center.

4. After studying the efficacy of 130 foods at the University of Tokyo in Japan, it was found that sweet potato inhibited cholesterol by 10 times that of other foods.

5. Research from the University of Vienna, Austria, found that after taking white sweet potato extract in patients with type 2 diabetes, insulin sensitivity was improved and blood sugar was controlled.

6. Sweet potatoes are rich in mucin and have certain benefits for curing joints. Calcium, magnesium content is more, can prevent osteoporosis.

Reminder: It is best not to eat raw sweet potatoes; cooking methods are appropriate to cooking, do not fry; do not eat too much at one time, should be a partial replacement of the staple food; do not eat on an empty stomach, easy pantothenic acid, heartburn.


Japanese research shows that the average nutritional value of broccoli is ranked first, and it is a vegetable with relatively complete nutrition. For example, the mineral composition is more comprehensive than other vegetables, and the contents of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc, and manganese are abundant.

1. According to laboratory analysis conducted by the FAO and the Institute of Health Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the edible portion of 100 grams of broccoli contains up to 110 mg of vitamin C, which is five times that of tomatoes; it contains vitamin B, carotene, protein, and carbohydrates. Nutrients higher than cabbage flowers, cabbage and cabbage.

2. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin K. Studies have shown that vitamin K is not only related to coagulation but also beneficial to bone health.

3. As a member of cruciferous vegetables, broccoli is rich in a variety of anti-cancer, lipid-lowering ingredients, anti-allergic, anti-oxidation, heart care and other effects.

Reminder: When cooking broccoli, overheating will destroy the active substance glucosinolates, so that the anti-cancer effect is greatly reduced, so we must master the heat. Steamed and cold is a good choice.


Due to its comprehensive nutrition, it is very suitable for all kinds of people. Apple is called "the world's first fruit" and "a general practitioner in food." Apple is rich in a lot of water and dietary fiber, but also contains nutrients such as carotene, pectin, and vitamins, as well as antioxidants such as quercetin and catechins.

1. Do not underestimate the seemingly unfamiliar substance of "quercetin." Studies have shown that it protects the lungs from contaminants. Eating 5 apples a week for the skin can improve lung function, reduce the risk of multiple cancers including lung cancer and breast cancer, and delay aging.

2. Apple contains a lot of potassium, can promote the discharge of sodium salts in the body, so have a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of hypertension.

3. Apple's "Star Component" pectin is a soluble fiber that helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar and maintain gastrointestinal health.

Reminder: To eat apples should not be too fast, people with poor gastrointestinal tract should pay particular attention to eating too fast and easy to indigestion.

Fresh dates

Jujube crisp and juicy, unique flavor, compared with other fruits in autumn, fresh dates of many nutrient content ranks first, such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and so on.

1. Fresh dates are rich in vitamin C, and the content per 100 grams is as high as 200 to 500 milligrams, which is higher than the content of 60 to 200 milligrams of kiwifruit. Vitamin C softens blood vessels, prevents hypertension, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis.

2. Fresh dates are also rich in functional active ingredients, such as flavonoids, rutin, and polysaccharides, which can improve blood lipids, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.

Reminder: Fresh dates are best eaten raw, which is good for nutrient absorption. Dried dates are suitable for porridge or soup and help release nutrients. Jujube eat more may cause abdominal distension, fresh dates eat one or two a day is appropriate. In addition, fresh jujube sugar content of up to 20% to 30%, after eating dates should be appropriate to eat a few more staple food, to avoid excess energy, diabetic patients should pay attention to this point.

Although the above foods are good, they should not be eaten excessively. A healthy diet must follow the principles of food diversity. Eat about 20 kinds of food each day. Even if it is healthy food, we must learn how to stop eating.

medical dressing products

Medical dressings include natural gauze, synthetic fiber dressings, polymer film dressings, foamed polycluster dressings, hydrocolloid dressings, alginate dressings, and the like.
Medical dressings are medical materials used to cover sores, wounds or other damages. With the in-depth study of the pathophysiology of the wound healing process, people's understanding of the wound healing process has become more and more profound, which has led to the continuous improvement and development of medical wound dressings. Compared with the early days, the new wound care dressings have undergone revolutionary changes, and a variety of medical dressings with different properties are available for clinical nurses to choose. Alginate dressing is the most advanced medical dressing in the world. Alginate dressings are one of the most advanced medical dressings available. Alginate medical dressing, a functional wound dressing with high absorption performance composed of alginate. After the medical film contacts the wound exudate, it can form a soft gel, which provides an ideal moist environment for wound healing, promotes wound healing, and relieves wound pain.

Synthetic fiber dressings, polymer film dressings, foamed polycluster dressings, hydrocolloid dressings, alginate dressings

Suzhou Xuanweicheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd ,

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