Cucumber grafting benefits

Grafting cucumbers is to use rootstocks such as squash and cucumbers for grafting and grafting. Grafting cucumber has the following advantages: First, to enhance the disease resistance of plants. Grafting cucumbers with black pumpkin can effectively prevent cucumber wilt. At the same time can also delay the occurrence of cucumber downy mildew. The second is to improve plant tolerance to low temperatures. Due to the developed root system of the rootstocks and strong resistance to stress, the grafted seedlings are significantly resistant to low temperatures. Grafting cucumbers with squash had good root elongation under low temperature. When the temperature was 12°C~15°C and temperature was 6°C~10°C, roots could still grow normally. The third is to help overcome continuous hazards. The root system of cucumber is fragile and avoids continuous cropping. The cultivation in the solar greenhouse is vulnerable to salt and harmful substances in the soil. After replacing the pumpkin root with blackcurrant, it can greatly reduce the damage of soil salt and harmful substances. The fourth is to expand the scope of absorption and capabilities of the root system. After grafting, the roots of the grafted plants grew exponentially more than the self-rooted shoots. In the same area, they could absorb about 30% more nitrogen and potassium than the self-rooted seedlings, absorbed more than 80% of the total phosphorus, and could use the phosphorus in the deep layers of the soil. The fifth is to help increase production. Grafted seedlings with large stems and leaves can increase production by more than 40%.

Goji Berry ( [Goji" means [happy") , also called wolfberry, has been used for thousands of years by herbalists in China to protect the liver, help eyesight, boost immune function, improve circulation, and promote longevity and overall well being. It has only recently gained popularity in the west, it has become so polar, in fact, the Time Magazine recently named the Goji berry as [super-fruit" of the year. A big reason why Goji berries have quickly become a favorite nutritional supplement is that its impressive list of ingredients. The Goji berry, also called the wolfberry, is a bright purplish red or purple red berry that comes from a shrub that is native to China. In Asia, goji berries have been eaten for generation in the hope of living longer.    


Natural Goji Berry

Natural Goji Berry,Natural Wolfberry,Dried Natural Goji Berries,Natural Dried Wolfberry


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