What varieties of corn are resistant to drought and lodging? Answers to drought resistance and lodging of maize

Corn cultivation is often affected by high temperatures or typhoons. So what kind of corn varieties can resist drought and lodging? On this issue, I believe many people can't give a clear answer. Because corn varieties can only play a part of the role, later corn management also accounts for a large part.


Drought resistant and high temperature resistant corn varieties

First, let's list some corn varieties that are relatively better recognized on the market today. The corn varieties that are better in drought resistance and high temperature resistance are: Zhengdan 958, Liangshuo 88, Longyu 369, Zhongcai No. 8, Denghai 605 and other corn varieties are good. In addition, the corn varieties that are better in lodging resistance are currently available: Jingke 389, Nonghua 98, Denghai 605, Longping 206, Zhengdan 958 and other corn varieties are quite good. However, this can only play a certain reference role, and it cannot be completely bought. The planting environment in different regions is different, and the planting management will affect the final corn production.

For drought-tolerant corn varieties, in general, everyone's consciousness is that the drought resistance of white-axis corn varieties is better than that of red-axis corn. In fact, the white shaft corn is slightly better in terms of drought resistance and high temperature resistance. This is mainly because the leaf density of red shaft corn is denser than that of white shaft corn, so the high temperature resistance will be worse. However, in the lodging resistance, red-shaft corn will be slightly better than white-axis corn. However, this can play a certain reference value. When planting, the growers still need to choose the corn variety according to the local environment.


Lodging resistant corn variety

The other is the problem of lodging. The problem of lodging can only be said that the anti-lost situation is better. There is no way for any corn variety to do the lodging under the storm. Even if it is the same breed, there is still someone who has fallen in the ground, and the corn in his family has not fallen. So the problem of lodging resistance is more difficult. And in recent years, farmers have generally adopted a shelling method of fertilization, which leads to the fact that the good summer lodging with no spring corn is more likely to fall.

Therefore, the selection is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is the field management problem. It is desirable to have a good lodging resistance effect on corn, reasonable fertilization in corn planting, scientific control, and reasonable close planting.


As can be seen from the above, corn is not a variety that is both drought-resistant and lodging-resistant. However, if you want to grow your own corn to resist drought and fall back, you can enhance drought resistance and lodging resistance through fertilization management, not to say Solve these problems by relying solely on corn varieties. I hope that the content shared by Xiaobian can help the majority of growers.

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