
Nepenthes, also known as piglet cages, are perennial crouching or climbing semi-shrubs of the Nepenthes family and are known as tropical insectivorous plants. Nepenthes leaves consist of three parts. In front of it is a flat blade. The midrib of the blade extends like a red plastic rope. This is the climbing organ of Nepenthes, which can be wrapped around other objects or crouching on the rock. The end of this extended midvein becomes a "clam-like" leaf cage. There are small covers on the leaf cages, nectaries in the mouth, wax glands on the inner wall, wax as a lubricant, digestive glands at the bottom, and weakly acidic digestive juices.

One can't help but ask that leaf-cage traps are part of the leaves. So, where is Nepenthes flowering? Nepenthes are dioecious. After they have matured, they are inflorescences from the leafhoppers, bloomy flowers, small flowers, red or purple, and seed after flowering. Most of the pitcher plants are bred with seeds, and they can also be propagated using the cutting blade method.

How Nepenthes trap insects The pitcher cages of Nepenthes are brightly coloured, with nectaries distributed around their mouths, emitting aromas and attracting insects with "color" and "sweetness." When the insect enters the cage, its inner wall is very smooth, and the insects will slide to the bottom of the cage. The bottom of the cage is filled with the weak acid digestive juice secreted by the inner wall cells. Once the insects fall into the bottom of the cage, they will be drowned by the digestive fluid and slowly be digested by the digestive juice and eventually become nutrients and be absorbed.

Nepenthes and ornamental Nepenthes Beautiful leaf cages have a high ornamental value. In Europe and the United States and other places, as indoor potted plants have become popular. In recent years, in the flower market of many large and medium-sized cities in our country, we can also see the gracefulness of Nepenthes. Use it to embellish the living room shelf, balcony and window sill, or hang it on the garden tree and the corridor, elegant and chic, interesting.

The pig grassland is produced in the tropics, and it is warm and humid and half-negative. The optimum temperature for growth is 25°C to 30°C. Spray water regularly during the growing season to maintain the surrounding high humidity environment. Seed China reminds you that winter indoors should be placed in a sunny place, and the room temperature should not be lower than 16°C to ensure safe wintering. It is better to cultivate soil with loose, fertile leafless soil or peat soil. Nepenthes should be planted with hanging pots, so that the leaf cage trap naturally hangs to show its beautiful style.

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