Why should I not eat vegetable oil?

In recent years. Research by medical scientists and nutritionists shows that vegetable oils contain abundant unsaturated polyacrylic acids, which are prone to autooxidation and generate peroxides. Therefore, when partial eclipse vegetable oil. Increases unsaturated polyenoic acid in the body. This increases the amount of peroxide generated in the body. Peroxide not only destroys red blood cell membrane and mitochondrial membrane. Cause hemolysis and other symptoms, but also can be combined with proteins to produce aging lipofuscin. Produce age spots on the skin. If peroxide is formed on the blood vessel wall, it can cause aging of the blood vessel and cause arteriosclerosis; when it forms on the liver, it becomes one of the causes of cirrhosis: when it is formed on brain cells, it can cause cerebral embolism. It can also make a variety of vitamins, especially vitamin C, oxidize and decompose, lose its normal function, and thus affect the body's absorption and utilization of vitamins, resulting in vitamin deficiency.

In fact, whether it is animal oil or vegetable oil, it is one of the important nutrition to maintain life. What is important is to maintain the balance of nutrients, which is too much or eclipse, which is not good for human health. Therefore, in the case of increasingly improved dietary conditions, the elderly should use edible vegetable oil as the main ingredient, and appropriately consume animal oil. The edible animal and vegetable oils can be scientifically matched according to the physical conditions and needs and labor intensity. The ideal method is to add 0.5 to 1 animal oil in 2 vegetable oils to obtain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The proportion of people is reasonable. This will not only increase the beauty of the dishes but will not lead to illness.

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