Human "mini" friends are expected to be used for new drug research and development
September 15, 2017 Source: China Pharmaceutical Network
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A biological paper published in the August 31 issue of Nature magazine said that American scientists have discovered that the intestinal flora produces small organic complexes called N-acyl amides that interact with receptors and participate in human physiology. It includes all aspects of immunity, and this is the mechanism behind the human microbiome's impact on physical health.
Scientists have realized that the human genome does not fully explain the key issues of human disease and health, because humans lack understanding of the huge, symbiotic microbial flora that exists in their bodies. At the end of 2007, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that it will invest $115 million to officially launch the “Human Microbiome Programâ€, which has been in existence for two years, to analyze the impact of microbial flora changes on human health.
Although the human microbiome is now considered to play an important role in physical health, the mechanisms behind it are still poorly understood. Bacteria rely on small molecules to interact with the environment. Therefore, some scientists have suggested that human microbiota also use small molecules to interact with their human hosts, but the identity of the molecules involved and their functional mechanisms have been unknown.
This time, Rockefeller University researcher Sean Brady and colleagues report that human intestinal bacteria produce N-acyl amides that interact with five different human G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Scientists have discovered that N-acyl amides are an important class of human signaling molecules involved in all aspects of physiological activity, including immunity, behavior, and metabolism. The team analyzed mouse data and cellular data, suggesting that these bacterial metabolites activate a GPCR called GPR119 that regulates mouse metabolic hormone and glucose homeostasis.
The above findings mean that small molecules produced by the microbial population can mimic bacterial signaling molecules. The channel represented by this simulated state is expected to be used in new drug development and individualized drugs, as well as early diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. etc.
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