Reduce greenhouse strawberry malformation

Strawberries grown in greenhouses generally begin to be marketed before and after New Year's Day and have high economic value. However, the problem of deformed fruit in strawberry grown in greenhouses is more serious than open field, and some can reach 30%, which seriously affects the yield and quality of greenhouse strawberry, and reduces its economic benefits. To reduce the deformed fruit of greenhouse strawberry can take the following measures:

Correct selection of varieties should be planted on the shallow dormancy, strong cold resistance, pollen and more robust varieties, such as Feng Xiang, Chun Xiang, female peaks and so on. At the same time, the age of the strawberry will be 3 to 4 years old and it will degenerate, leading to an increase in malformed fruit. Therefore, the degeneratively aged plants should be updated according to the situation. The robust and disease-free strawberry seedlings were selected as the parental seedlings for propagation, and more than 5 leafy, robust roots with a diameter of about 1 cm were cultivated for colonization.

It is an important factor that affects the yield and quality of strawberry in greenhouse. If the flower buds are well differentiated, there will be more flowers, one bigger fruit, and less deformed fruit. In the first two weeks before planting, methods such as root cutting, shading, nitrogen control, and old leaves are generally used to promote the full differentiation of flower buds.

Scientific flowering management Strawberry pollination and fertilization is the key to reducing malformation. Temperature: Strawberry flower sensitive to low temperatures, such as flowering encounter -2 °C low temperature 1 hour pistil color will turn black. Therefore, the insulation performance of the greenhouse facilities should be improved. During the day, greenhouse temperature should be kept at 20°C~25°C and nighttime at 8°C~10°C. The ground temperature should be maintained at 18°C~22°C. If the temperature is low during this period, the anthers cannot be scattered and the proportion of malformed fruits will increase. Humidity: The suitable humidity for the cracking of strawberry anther is 30%~50%. The relative humidity for stigma fertilization and pollen germination is 50%~60%. Too low or high humidity is not conducive to normal pollination and fertilization. Strawberry greenhouse because of the environment closed, if not timely ventilation, often cause excessive humidity, production can be used without dropping the film, high mulch film to reduce the evaporation of soil moisture, short time at noon and other methods to reduce air humidity in the greenhouse . Putting bees: Although strawberry flowers are bisexual flowers, the flowering period of strawberries cultivated in greenhouses is in the cold and cold winter season. Often due to low temperature, high humidity, few insects and easy to cause pollen scattering in the greenhouse, resulting in poor pollination and malformation. The beehive can be placed in the greenhouse during the flowering period, using bees to assist in pollination to reduce malformed fruit. It is forbidden to fight drugs: Spraying should be strictly prohibited during the flowering period of strawberries to prevent the germination power of pollen from decreasing and resulting in abnormal fruit production. Therefore, we should pay attention to the prevention and cure of diseases before the flowering of strawberry. After flowering, we must remove the diseased plants in time and remove diseased leaves and diseased flowers to control the spread of diseases.

Reasonable management of fertilizer and water Rational management of fertilizer and water is also an important measure to reduce strawberry malformation. Be careful when fertilizing and pouring water. Fertilization: Strawberry in the absence of nutrients in the case of the lack of abnormal fruit, this is because the lack of calcium, boron and other trace elements can cause strawberry flower development is not normal; and the lack of phosphorus and potassium elements can easily lead to fruit dysplasia or the phenomenon of bleaching. Fertilization is best applied to the soil. Generally, 1 to 2 grams of trace fertilizer is applied per meter. For nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers, they can be topped with watering, applying 8 to 10 kg per mu. Watering: Strawberries are sensitive to soil moisture, and too dry or too wet soil can cause increased malformation. In view of the easy-drying of the topsoil, it should be done with less pouring, drip irrigation is better, and the soil is kept moist. Generally, water should be sufficient from flower buds to flowering stage, and it should be no less than 70% of the maximum water holding capacity of the soil. The fruit enlargement period needs more water and should maintain about 80% of the maximum soil water holding capacity. Appropriate control of water.


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