What cholesterol can't eat?

The physical examination found that cholesterol is a common phenomenon today. People have a high level of material living, but eating habits cause some harm. So what should we not eat for high cholesterol? How do patients with high cholesterol adjust? Let's take a look at common care for people with cholesterol. What is good for cholesterol? We have nutrient catering below.

1. Eat less or not eat foods with high cholesterol levels, such as animal organs and egg yolks, and control dietary cholesterol intake (less than 300 mg per day). The main cholesterol in the blood (70%) is synthesized by the liver, and only a small portion (30%) is derived from food, so only relying on reducing cholesterol intake can not fundamentally treat high cholesterol, but controlling cholesterol intake in food Lowering cholesterol is still helpful. According to the standards recommended by the American Heart Association, daily intake of cholesterol should be less than 300 milligrams or less, while cholesterol in one egg yolk is 250 to 290 milligrams; high bovine liver cholesterol content is as high as 469 milligrams .

2. Eat less fat and oyster sauce to reduce the intake of saturated fat. Saturated fats are widely found in meat, eggs, and dairy foods, with the most saturated fats being fat, oyster sauce, and viscera. Saturated fats have a role in promoting high blood LDL-C production, and their efficacy even exceeds cholesterol itself.

3. Eat more fruits and vegetables and bacteria and algae foods, such as konjac, fungus, kelp, wakame, onion, pumpkin, sweet potato, etc. These foods are rich in dietary fiber helps cholesterol excretion. The main way for the body to excrete cholesterol is through bile. The liver uses cholesterol to synthesize bile acids. The bile acid is discharged into the gastrointestinal tract with the bile acid to participate in fat digestion. After that, some of the bile acid metabolites are reabsorbed back into the blood “waste utilization”. The other part The bile acid metabolites are excreted with the feces. The role of dietary fiber is to absorb more of the bile acid metabolites, allowing them to be excreted instead of being recycled. In this way, the liver “only” uses more cholesterol to synthesize bile acids to supplement the loss of bile acids. Numerous studies have confirmed that increasing dietary fiber intake has a clear role in lowering cholesterol.

4. The monounsaturated fatty acids contained in olive oil, tea oil, corn oil, and rapeseed oil have the effect of lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Can be used with vegetable oils such as soybean oil and peanut oil in the daily diet.

5. Fish oil and lecithin have a role in lowering blood lipids, but their effects are mainly on the elevation of triglycerides, and the effect of lowering cholesterol is relatively small (of course, it is still useful).

6. Although vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidant ingredients can not directly reduce the cholesterol in the blood, but it helps reduce the cholesterol on the blood vessels.

Greenhouse Garden Hydroponics

In a hydroponic system, plants are placed in nutrient-enriched water. Mediums such as gravels, sand or vermiculite can also be used. Thus plants which are placed in the water absorb the nutrients very easly. When the nutrients from the water starts finishing , water is recycled or additional nutrients are added.

Greenhouse Garden Hydroponics,Hydroponic Garden,Hydroponic Greenhouse


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