Causes and preventive measures of tomato hollow fruit and malformed fruit

Farmers who grow tomatoes in the greenhouse know that the late tomato results often appear, tomato hollow fruit and tomato malformation. Although these two conditions are not diseases, the fruits of this knot are not good, and the farmers can't sell a good price. This is not a big harvest.


In the face of this situation, many farmers have planted it. I think this is caused by the growth of tomatoes. In fact, we can control this situation through some measures. The following is a brief introduction to the causes and preventive measures of tomato hollow fruit and deformed fruit.

Causes of tomato hollow fruit:

There are three occurrences of hollow fruit: First, the temperature at night is too low, resulting in incomplete development of the fruit inside, forming a cavity. Second, the use of nitrogen fertilizer is too much, and the third is the lack of carbon dioxide or poor light conditions, resulting in insufficient photosynthetic products.

Tomato hollow fruit control method:

1. Appropriate low-temperature refining of seedlings to cultivate strong seedlings with good flower bud differentiation. Increasing the night temperature is conducive to the development of young fruit.

2, improve indoor care conditions, and increase the application of carbon dioxide fertilizer, increase nutrient accumulation.

3, reasonable temperature adjustment, to avoid too low or too high temperature, causing excessive organic nutrient consumption of crops.

4, rational fertilization and topdressing, increase the application of organic fertilizer, appropriate application of nitrogen fertilizer. Avoid excessive nitrogen, excessive moisture in the early stage and insufficient water in the prime period.


How to prevent tomato malformation?

Causes of malformed fruit: The water and nutrient supply is too sufficient when flower bud differentiation and development, or the low temperature of 20 °C or 20 °C, which is easy to induce tomato malformation.

Therefore, in the prevention, it is necessary to pay attention to the night temperature of the seedling stage to maintain above 10 degrees Celsius, at least not to have a continuous low temperature of 8 degrees Celsius, to avoid excessive water and fertilizer at the seedling stage, especially the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer.

Farmers are controlling the temperature, supplementing the water and fertilizer, and avoiding unnecessary fertilization, so that the results of the late tomatoes will not lose the harvest.

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