American scholars develop RNA computers: can develop neural circuits and brain-like networks

Release date: 2017-08-02

Loops and other shaped structures within the RNA molecule can act as logic gates that react to input signals to synthesize proteins (ie, output signals).

A recent research paper published in the journal Nature: Alice Green, a professor at Arizona State University, and the Weiss Bioinspired Engineering Institute at Harvard University, have developed the most complex biological computer to date. The computer is made of RNA (ribonucleic acid), which reacts to 12 different instructions in E. coli live cells to control the behavior of bacterial cells.

The research team induced the formation of RNA circuits in living cells of E. coli, which can perform computational instructions like micro-robots and digital computers. Green said they can use computer software to design the desired RNA sequences and use these predictable and programmed RNA interactions to build biocircuits for smart drug design, smart drug delivery systems, green energy production, and low-cost diagnostics. Technology, and the future development of nanomachines for tracking cancer cells or turning off malignant mutations, is of great significance.

Different bases in living cells, self-forming RNA circuits

As early as the postdoctoral period in 2012, Green was involved in the development of the central component of the cell circuit - the RNA switch. After the performance of these RNA switches is perfect, they begin to develop more complex systems in living cells.

The Green team designed a special RNA circuit called "Logic Gate" in the laboratory and inserted it into the living cells of E. coli. It can be logically determined by "and" or "no" like a traditional digital circuit, except that the input and output of a conventional digital circuit is a voltage signal, and the biological circuit replaces the voltage signal with a specific compound or protein. When the RNA fragment as input information is complementary to the RNA sequence in the circuit, the two are combined, the RNA switch is turned on, and the logic gate is activated to produce the desired output signal, the protein.

These intracellular nanocircuits containing only RNA are a major breakthrough in the field of biocomputers compared to complex intermediates such as proteins that were previously used in research. Now researchers simply design the components of the RNA circuit on the computer, and after adding the bases of these RNAs to the living cells, they will self-assemble into RNA circuits that are consistent with the desired function according to a predetermined route.

Natural Pentium processor chip

As early as 1994, University of Southern California scientist Leonard Adelman first proposed storing data in DNA and using a DNA to solve a complex mathematical problem that supercomputers could not answer. Since then, the development of computers using living substance DNA and RNA has been rapidly advanced. In July of this year, researchers successfully stored film fragments in bacterial living cells, and after several generations of changes, the movies stored in the genes were intact.

Now, the Green circuit developed by the Green team can perform multiple calculation functions in E. coli living cells. When two RNA messages A and B appear, the AND logic gate produces an "output" command within the cell; when the RNA message A or B occurs, the OR logic gate reacts; if the input is different from A Or another RNA message of B, the "non" logic gate will come forward and cut off the output signal. Combining these different logic gates creates a more complex logic gate that reacts to multiple task inputs simultaneously.

The first batch of RNA nanodevices made by the Green team using RNA switches can handle four "AND" inputs, six "OR" inputs, and complex operations such as 12 inputs including "and" or "not". . These different circuits, which perform sensing and output functions, can be integrated into one cell to make the process of forming proteins into cells easier.

Can be used to develop neural circuits and brain-like networks

Previously, the Green team developed a low-cost RNA switch test strip and proved it to be a diagnostic platform for accurate detection of Zika virus. Zika virus RNA can activate RNA switch, induce protein formation, and change the color of test strip. . This type of RNA test platform can be extended to develop low-cost, accurate diagnostic techniques for many different infectious diseases for developing countries where medical resources and health care workers are in short supply, responding to emergencies of infectious disease outbreaks.

Green said that their next step will be to focus on how to make neural network circuits using RNA switches in living cells. Just like neurons weighting the input signals of other nerve cells, these neural circuits can analyze signals such as a lot of excitement and suppression. Adjust the ratio of the excitation signal and the suppression signal at any time. Based on this, by regulating the molecular signals, the cells communicate with each other, and finally form a brain-like network that can interact. "In short, our approach provides a versatile strategy. In addition to being used in microbes, RNA circuits are fully available to other organisms and even humans. RNA circuits can be used to reprogram human cells and extend their biological functions."

Source: Technology Daily

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