Scientists have discovered new clues to the mechanism of action of metformin

Scientists have discovered new clues to the mechanism of action of metformin

November 13, 2018 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

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Recently, an international research team discovered how to use the first-line type 2 diabetes drug metformin to help cells better absorb and utilize glucose. The study has been published on Cell, in collaboration with the University of Montreal, Canada, and the Francis Crick Institute in London. It explains other potential beneficial effects of metformin in the prevention of various chronic diseases, including cancer.

To demonstrate that metformin appears to allow cells to exhibit a demand for essential mineral iron, biochemists at the University of Montreal have adopted a new method to test the response of all biochemical processes in a cell to the presence of a drug. They worked with researchers at the Francis Crick Institute in London to demonstrate that metformin has a global impact on the distribution of iron in cells, thus altering the underlying biochemical processes.

The new technology that made this discovery possible was developed by Stephen Michnick's laboratory, a professor of biochemistry at the University of Montreal and a principal investigator in the field of cellular structures in Canada. Dr. Michnick said: "If you want to know what a drug or any other molecule does in the body, you must study everything that happens in the cell. There are several ways to do this, one of which is Our hdPCA method, which has the advantages of extremely simple, non-invasive and inexpensive implementation and interpretation, can be done in almost all laboratories." This method can be used to quickly predict and confirm the effects of a drug on cells, and at the same time Identify any hazards that may occur after the drug enters the body.

The first author of the study, Bram Stynen, biochemist at the Francis Crick Institute, said: "We chose to use metformin, mainly because it is a very interesting test subject. It has no clear mechanism of action. We found metformin on iron homeostasis. The impact of this study is an additional result of this study. The link between iron metabolism and diabetes has been suspected, but no one has found a special antidiabetic effect of metformin in living cells associated with iron homeostasis."

Research collaborator, Francis Crick's biochemist Markus Ralser added: "This makes glucose metabolism in many senses likely to evolve from iron-dependent chemical reactions that do not disappear in evolution. Further cellular and animal studies are needed to determine the importance of metformin mimicking iron deficiency for glucose metabolism and how to better use this mechanism to improve diabetes treatment."

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