Reed planting technology

Reeds are grown in shallow water or low-humidity, and new barley fields or other paddy fields and dry fields are vulnerable. Reeds have rhizomes that run transversely. In natural habitats, rhizomes predominate, rhizomes criss-cross and form a network, and even thicker rhizomes form on the surface of the water. walk. Rhizomes have a strong vitality and can be buried underground for a long time. Rhizomes 1 meter or even more than 1 meter can develop into new branches once conditions are suitable. Can also be bred with seeds, seeds can spread with the wind. The range of adaptation to moisture is very wide. From the soil wetting to long-term accumulation of water, from the depth of several centimeters to more than 1 meter, can form reed communities. In rivers and lakes with water depths of 20 to 50 centimeters, the slow flow of rivers and lakes can form a tall grass community, known as the "grasswood forest." In the Baiyangdian area of ​​the North China Plain, the germination period is early April, the leaf stage is early May, the growth period is from early April to late July, the booting period is from late July to early August, the heading period is from early August to late, and the flowering period is late August. In early September, the mature period of seeds is in early October and the deciduous period is after the end of October. In the middle and late March, the Shanghai area grew buds from underground rhizomes, which took place from April to May and bloomed from September to October. In May to June in Heilongjiang, the seedlings were only vegetatively grown, and wintering shoots were formed in July-September. The wintering shoots germinated in May-June, and flowered in July-August and matured in August-September.

Flavouring Agent

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Xinghua Jiahe Foods Co., Ltd. ,

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