Must know! Which women are more likely to get breast cancer?


At age 30, breast problems are mostly benign (not cancerous). But young women generally have breast fibrocystic changes, characterized by breast pain, cysts, and non-cancer lumps. Dr. Leon Downey, an assistant professor of clinical medicine at the Arizona State University of Health Science Center, said: "Breast pain can be cyclical and it can be accompanied by menstrual periods or persistent pain."

Many women often feel pain in the breast area. They are light and heavy, sometimes they are not, and people are unpredictable. Many people are burdened with ideological burdens and fear that they are suffering from “breast cancer”... how to reduce Breast pain? Dr. Elizabeth Stein, assistant professor of Oregon Health Science University and director of the Breast Cancer Education Program at the Oregon Cancer Society, advises women to “stay away from caffeine”. If the pain is unbearable, breast fibroids can be removed surgically.

Worried about breast sagging?

Breastfeeding prevents breast cancer during childbirth. Experts believe that breastfeeding will not cause atrophy of the breast tissue. On the contrary, swelling of the breast during breastfeeding can stretch the skin of the breast. When the breasts shrink, loose skin will make the breasts look sagging.

In fact, a study conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2007 showed that the causes of sagging breasts are: the oversized bra cups used during pregnancy, the number of pregnancies, smoking, and age.

Another reason is that the fiber bundles in the breast, also called the stretch of the breast suspensory ligament, cause the sagging of the breast. Because breasts have no muscle, sagging breasts cannot be prevented, but some doctors recommend that women wear sporty bras to prevent the ligaments from stretching during jogging.

Reduce the incidence of breast cancer

Breast cancer is not a common disease. The National Cancer Institute pointed out that the incidence of breast cancer from 30 to 39 years old is only 1/29. Unless there is a family history, women aged 30 to 39 do not need mammograms. In fact, breast cancer in young women is difficult to detect with mammograms. Women of this age should report to the doctor long-term breast changes or pain. Breast pain in young women is benign, but breast cancer can also occur in young women.

Regular manual tests are still necessary, at least once a month to familiarize yourself with your own breasts and report to your doctor.

If it is during menopause, the optimal time for testing is 5 to 10 days after the start of menstrual period. At this time, the hormone effect is the lowest and the test result is the most accurate.

Shiitake Mushroom Spawn

When food tastes very good, you might think it contains too much sugar and fat to stay healthy. But shiitake mushrooms are different. This large succulent mushroom is a delicate food with good nutritional content and many scientifically proven medicinal values. The delicate flavor of shiitake mushrooms adds flavor to almost any dish. In addition, essential amino acids are present in similar proportions to the "ideal protein" of human nutrition. Shiitake is rich in amino acids leucine and lysine, and lacks many grains. It is also a good source of B vitamins. Over the past two decades, scientists have isolated substances from shiitake mushrooms that may play a role in treating and preventing heart disease and cancer.

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