What are the low sugar fruits

Every 100g of fruit contains less than 10g of fruit, including lemon, cucumber, watermelon, orange, grapefruit, peach, plum, apricot, coriander, pineapple, strawberry, cherry, cucumber, and tomato. This type of fruit can provide 20-40 kcal per 100 grams of energy.

The lowest sugar content is lemon, according to the food nutrition composition table, 100 grams of lemon sugar content of 5.1 grams, lemon slices soaked in water or salad is very suitable. Next are green plum (5.9 g), melon (6.2 g), papaya (7.0 g), strawberry (7.1 g), grapefruit (9.0 g), and orange (9.5 g). Fruits with low sugar content are more suitable for gestational diabetes.


In contrast, raisins, longans, dried persimmons, bananas, plantains, and fresh dates all belong to high-sugar fruits. The daily consumption should not exceed 100 grams.

Common food sugar content:

Sugar content Food Sugar content Food 1% Pumpkin, seaweed, lettuce 2% Chinese cabbage, canola, spinach, celery, green leeks 3% Chinese cabbage, yellow peony, fresh snow red, eggplant, carrot, horn gourd , pumpkin, fresh mushrooms 4% cabbage, leeks, green bean sprouts, beans, cauliflower, lentil, rape, water spinach 5% loofah, spring onion, cauliflower, green pepper, garlic, plum, leeks 6% white radish, green radish, green onions , leeks and winter bamboo shoots 7% citron, parsley, edamame, yellow peach, yellow carrot 8% ginger, onion, red carrot, cherry, lemon 9% orange, pineapple, plum, lotus, mustard, garlic 10% grape, apricot 11% persimmon , Shaguo 12% pears, oranges, peas, olives 13% grapefruit 14% litchi, yams 15% apple 16% potatoes 17% pomegranates 20% bananas, loquat 22% red fruit, sugarcane, cantaloupe 50% cut noodles, oil cakes, chocolate, dried persimmons 70% rice, noodles, cornmeal, candied 85% vermicelli, fans


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