Dry fermented bed winter pig pig warm?

In winter in northern China, the weather is cold, especially in northern Heilongjiang. The winter climate here is not suitable for raising pigs. To raise pigs there, we must first do a good job of keeping warm and cold. In the central and southern regions of China, the winter temperatures are not very low and are suitable for raising pigs. However, for the colder areas, the pigs given by the experts in the Fertilizer Fermentation Bed Piglet are subjected to cold performance and solutions:

One, pigs get together and squeeze each other

People are not cold, but huge pigs, pigs are squeezed into a corner and shiver, crowded together to find warmth, this phenomenon is obvious, but also easy to judge, but when this phenomenon is discovered, it has been a bit “late”, Because pigs have been stressed in the cold for a long time. In particular, the piglets are crowded together and their feeding is not positive. The disease resistance is reduced and they are easily infected or dead.

Second, pig's hair is "fried" up

In the winter, when the skin of a person's skin is cold, it is easy to make goose bumps. Although pigs can't get goose bumps, the blood vessels of the skin can also shrink. The hairs will stand, they won't be smooth, and some people will “nice people”, and the cold will accelerate the growth rate of the hairs. Careful breeders will observe this phenomenon and warm up early to prevent further cold stress.

Third, eat more and drink less

Most people know that if you eat less in the winter, you will feel very cold. Then the pig is no exception. The cold makes the pig's instinct eat more material and drink less water to fill the body due to the low temperature caused by the body fat, intramuscular heat of metabolism Loss of weight. However, this is not a good thing. If pigs are found to be eating little, they will probably suffer from cold.

Fourth, pigs other anti-regular behavior

When pigs are healthy, they focus on cleanliness and excretion in a fixed area. If the large pens are particularly dirty, there may be a large temperature difference and the pig's living habits are disrupted. If one or two pigs are "unique, independent," not gregarious, and apathetic, feverish, drowsiness, etc., it may be due to cold stress.

V. Increased diarrhea in pig farms

The annual winter is a period of high incidence of diarrheal disease in pigs. The ground is wet and the temperature drops sharply. The piglets have poorer thermoregulatory functions and are more afraid of cold and damp than big pigs. They are prone to cold stress and have diarrhoea, especially born 3-7. Days of piglets. If diarrhea occurs, consider whether the piglets are "cold".

Six, swine cold

People suffer colds and colds, and pigs do. In the cold season, the flu is epidemic and the incidence is fast, but the recovery is fast, and the epidemic is widespread but the mortality rate is not high. Big pigs are in the cold for a long time. If pigs are found to have coughs, difficulty in breathing, fever, and listlessness, they should pay attention to whether they have "cold."

When the above conditions prove that your pig is cold, how can you solve it?

The optimum temperature for raising pigs is between 18 and 23 degrees. Above or below this temperature is not conducive to the growth and development of pigs. In severe cases, pig diseases may result. The sudden drop in temperature is a characteristic of the climate in late fall and early winter. If insulation measures are not adopted in time, it will affect the normal growth and development of pigs. As we all know, Jinbao dry-type fermentation bed has the reputation of “pig air-conditioned room”, because the temperature of the dry-sweeping fermentation bed is about 20 degrees all year round. It is only related to the life activities of fermentation and decomposition of microorganisms in the fermentation bed. Affected by the weather. Even if the outdoor temperature suddenly drops to a low level, the litter temperature on the surface of the dry fermentation bed will remain at the optimum growth temperature of the pig, effectively slowing the stimulation of the pigs with changes in temperature, allowing the farmers to take time to take thermal insulation. Measures to prevent loss from being generated.

Low winter temperatures make it difficult to induce large-scale epidemic diseases. However, due to sudden changes in temperature, it is easy to induce pigs to become sick. Therefore, epidemic prevention during the winter season cannot be ignored. As mentioned above, the constant diffusion of the surface temperature of the gems dry fermentation bed slows down the effect of temperature on the pigs and reduces the possibility of the pigs becoming ill. Preventing pig diseases, keeping pig houses clean and hygienic and avoiding the breeding of bacterial diseases and viruses is a necessary condition, and fermentation beds are also effective in this regard. The main function of the fermentation bed is to quickly convert pig manure into non-hazardous substances through the decomposition of microorganisms, which not only ensures the cleanliness of pig houses, but also greatly saves the manpower and material resources for sweeping pig houses. At the same time, the large number of microorganisms in the fermentation bed and the high temperature generated during the decomposition of pig manure will inhibit and kill the growth and reproduction of other pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and provide good conditions for the growth and development of pigs.

friendly reminder:

All dry fermentation beds that are not "Golden Baby" brands are fake and shoddy products.

More details about the exciting content of fermentation bed, fermentation agent, microbial fertilizer, please pay attention to the Jinbao fermentation bed official website, Huaxia Kangyuan Taobao factory shop (https://bjhxky.taobao.com), Alibaba (https:/ /hxky168.1688.com) Or call our hotline: 010-62110749 63623048 13269217468 Free hotline

Reagent Strips For Urinalysis

Urinalysis test strips refer to test strips that test for bilirubin, urobilinogen, ketone bodies, ascorbic acid, glucose, protein (albumin), blood cells, PH, etc. in urine.
Detection principle
1. pH: The pH value in the range of 5-9 is measured by the pH indicator, and the pH value of the fresh urine of a normal person is between 5-7.
2. Nitrite: The reaction is based on the reduction of nitrate to nitrite by Gram-positive bacteria in the urine. The nitrite reacts with p-aminobenzenesulfonic acid to form diazonium compounds, which are then combined with N-(1-naphthalene) )-3 aminopropanesulfonate combined with a pink color.
3. Glucose: According to the reaction principle of glucose oxidase, glucose oxidase specifically oxidizes glucose to generate glucuronic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Under the action of hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the indicator and turns color. .
Urinalysis test strips are divided into visual series and machine series. The visual inspection series is divided into several models according to different inspection items; the machine inspection series is divided into several models according to different applicable instruments.
1. Classification by measurement method
1) Visual inspection series
When observing the result, compare the color with the standard color code within the time specified on the color code, judge and read the result.
2) Machine test series.
For instrument operation, refer to the instruction manual of the Urine Analyzer used.
2. According to the number of measurement items
There are single-item, 2-item, 4-item and multiple test strips. Currently, 10-item or 11-item multiple test strips are most commonly used in hospitals.
3. Classification by structure
Urinalysis test strips with single-layer membrane structure and multi-layer membrane structure.

Urine Reagent Strips,Urine Test Strip,Urine Sugar Strip Test,Visual Urine Analysis Strips

Jilin Sinoscience Technology Co. LTD , https://www.jilinsinoscience.com

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