Pigs lack of water loss

First of all, insufficient drinking water can lead to an increase in pig intestinal morbidity. The vast majority of farm households in rural areas raise pigs, and most of them adopt traditional feeding methods for water supplies. They do not give any water regardless of the weather conditions, regardless of feed type. After drinking thirsty, the pigs often drink dirty water, especially in hot summer. This phenomenon directly leads to pigs suffering from a variety of intestinal diseases. According to statistics, intestinal diseases are multiple diseases of pigs in recent years and generally account for about 76% of the total number of swine diseases. Many of these intestinal diseases are caused by pigs lacking water and drinking dirty water.

Second, lack of drinking water can lead to a decrease in the digestive rate of pigs and raise the cost of feeding. At present, most of the rural areas adopt the rearing method of captive pigs, feeding only 2 to 3 times of water mixes per day, and the water supply is extremely insufficient. Especially for finishing pigs, the breeding household supplies a large amount of heat energy to the finishing pigs each day, and these heat energy feeds need to absorb a large amount of water before they can be digested, absorbed, transported, and eliminated by the body. After raising the pigs twice or three times a day, the farmer put the pigs in a narrow pen home, causing the pigs to form intestinal hot, slow bowel movements, incomplete nutrient absorption, reduced daily eclipse volume, reduced digestibility, and hindered growth. Wait. A sample survey of 100 pigs raised by 20 households raising pigs by the relevant authorities showed that after feeding for 1 hour, there were 98 pigs in need of drinking water, accounting for 98% of the total. At the same time, the pigs that are rich and fed with concentrates, chowder, and rice bran have a deep thirst and a large amount of water.

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