How can the fertilizer be used?

I don't know if you have ever encountered this kind of situation. Everyone knows that the fertilizer is not sold, and the purchase of a bag of fertilizer can not be used. After a while, it is found that the fertilizer can no longer be used. Therefore, the fertilizer that has been opened must be properly kept, and a small number of methods for rational storage of fertilizers are prepared for your reference.

(1) Prevent mixing. When chemical fertilizers are mixed together, it is easy to deteriorate physical and chemical properties. If the calcium phosphate encounters ammonium nitrate, it will increase the hygroscopicity, resulting in inconvenient application.

(2) The anti-identification name is not true. Some farmers use compound fertilizer bags to pack urea, some use urea bags to mix compound fertilizer or ammonium sulfate, and some use special fertilizer in imported compound fertilizer bags, so that it is easy to make mistakes during use.

(3) Anti-break bag packaging. For example, the nitrate nitrogen fertilizer has strong hygroscopicity, and will be turned into a slurry after being absorbed, even in a liquid, and should be sealed and stored, generally stored in an altar or a package container, and tightly capped.

(4) Fire prevention. Specially applied nitrate, such as ammonium nitrate or potassium nitrate, will decompose oxygen when exposed to high temperature (200 ° C), and will burn or explode if exposed to fire.

(5) Anti-corrosion. Superphosphate contains free acid, and ammonium bicarbonate is alkaline. Do not contact such metal fertilizers or scales to avoid corrosion.

(6) Anti-fertilizer mixed with seeds and food. In particular, the strong volatile ammonium bicarbonate, ammonia and seed mixed will affect the germination, should be fully noted.

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Vitamin Series

Vitamin C is necessary for the formation of antibody and collagen, tissue repair (including some redox effects), metabolism of phenylalanine, tyrosine and folic acid, utilization of iron and carbohydrate, synthesis of fat and protein, maintenance of immune function, hydroxylation of 5-hydroxytryptamine, maintenance of vascular integrity, promotion of non heme iron absorption, etc. at the same time, vitamin C also has Antioxidant function, Anti free radicals, inhibit the formation of tyrosinase, so as to achieve whitening, light spot effect. In human body, vitamin C is a highly effective antioxidant, which is used to reduce the oxidative stress of ascorbate peroxidase (ascorbate peroxidase) Sch. There are also many important biosynthesis processes that require vitamin C participation.

Product Description

Product Name: Vitamin C powder

Appearance: White fine powder

Identification: Positive

Acidity (PH): 2.4--3.0

Loss on drying: ≤0.2%

Residue on ignition: ≤0.10%

Sulphated ash: ≤0.10%

Heavy Metals: ≤10 PPM

Assay(C8H11NO3HCL): 99.0%-101.0%

Clarty and Colour of Solution: Meet the requirement

Chloride: 16.9%-17.6%


1. Common Cold Fighter

2. Healthy Hair
3. Anti-Aging
4. Lower Blood Pressure
5. Iron Absorption

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Vitamin B2,Vitamin B6,Vitamin B12,Vitamin C

Xi'an Tian Guangyuan Biotech Co., Ltd. ,

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