Eczema in spring needs to eat more celery

Eczema is a common skin disease in life, which has a great impact on the daily life of patients. There are many ways to treat eczema, patients need to actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment, but also to ensure a good life in daily life in order to avoid recurrence of eczema. Patients can also have more celery, which is helpful for the treatment of eczema.


The patient eats celery in spring. Eczema is a common disease in infants and young children, especially in spring. Allergic infants may cause eczema after being stimulated by some allergenic factors. The most common allergic factor in spring is the baby's inhalation of pollen, dust, or mites in the air. Wait. Eczema has a greater impact on the baby's health. The local pruritus often causes irritability, crying, difficulty in sleeping, and must be actively controlled. Experts suggest that the baby can eat more celery on an ordinary diet to prevent eczema. Celery is rich in fiber, vitamin B2 and vitamin C, there are a large number of minerals, trace elements, celery with dampness, dampness and other effects, can effectively prevent the recurrence of eczema.

If you have skin problems, you should generally not eat irritating foods such as alcohol, coffee, strong tea, and various spicy foods. Individual foods should be light and light. The most crucial point is that the allergens of eczema are different. It is necessary to observe what food allergies people eat and try to avoid eating those foods later.

Spring temperatures fluctuate, sometimes freezing like winter, sometimes the temperature is mad like summer. Therefore, depending on the temperature, it is appropriate to increase or decrease clothing. Relatively speaking, it is recommended that the clothes should be worn a little cooler, if too much heat is too hot, it is also prone to eczema; there are also clothing fabrics should pay attention, close clothing to try to choose cotton, some nylon fiber or silk The fabric is also prone to cause eczema because of the static electricity it carries. In addition, due to the continuous rain in recent days, we must try not to wear wet clothing.

People with eczema should pay attention to avoid causing irritation to the skin again. For example, care should be taken to avoid hot water washing and excessive scratching. The eczema patient's diet should also be well-tended, avoid eating a lot of spicy, irritating foods, try to eat less or eat seafood and other foods. Recommended reading: how to do eczema Chinese massage see miraculous effect

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