Wheat seedling root rot control technical measures

First, the characteristics of wheat root rot hazards. Wheat root rot, also known as wheat stem rot, is a disease caused by one or more soil-borne fungi. The pathogenic bacteria first invaded the first internode or the second internode of the wheat stalk, resulting in brown lesions. The culms transported the tissue upward to supply the nutrients to the wheat, resulting in the yellowing of the wheat leaves. The lack of light, soil viscosity, soil wet, compact, poor permeability, root damage and other factors are the main factors causing root rot infestation of wheat.

Second, the analysis of causes of wheat root rot. Root rot of wheat occurs due to continuous cropping of wheat for a long period of time, as well as low soil organic matter, combined with adverse climate effects. The continuous cropping of wheat in the soil caused a large amount of bacteria, resulting in the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria year after year. Diseases caused by climate and environmental damage and cold damage can cause disease. Low soil organic matter, soil viscosity, soil compaction, poor ventilation, sowing too deep, resulting in weak wheat growth, poor disease resistance, easy to disease. Because this year's wheat sowing season is more rain, lack of light, low temperature and high humidity, soil moisture is too large, and the recent large-scale cooling process, conducive to disease. All of the above factors can cause and aggravate the occurrence of wheat root rot.

Third, prevention and control measures. The key to controlling the seedling disease is to avoid continuous cropping in wheat fields, to apply enough base fertilizer, timely sowing, timely fertilizer application, and to cover the soil not too deep.

1, rotation down. After the wheat is harvested, the wheat residue is fully cleared out of the wheat field and concentrated or destroyed. Promote rotation of crops such as wheat, corn, rape, etc. to reduce the amount of pathogenic bacteria in the soil.

2, a reasonable fertilization. Apply farmyard manure, balance fertilizer, implement soil testing and formula fertilization.

3, improve the quality of sowing. When sowing, the soil shall be leveled and finely ground and the seeding depth shall be 3 to 4 cm.

4. In the wheat seedling stage, a systemic fungicide and a mixture of potassium dihydrogen phosphate are sprayed on the leaves of the field where root rot occurs. Use 1500-2000 times of propiconazole or 1200-1500 times of hymexazol or 2500-3000 times of liquid diniconazole to spray 300 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate in the field. When spraying in the field, spray the sprayer head with gauze, switch Open to the 3/1 place, spraying liquid medicine to the base of the wheat plant, can effectively control the occurrence of disease.

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