Can medical informationization save lives?

An article titled "Beijing Middle Age under the Influenza" swept the entire circle of friends. Some people lamented the impermanence of life and death. Some people warned that we should pay attention to common diseases. Some people from the professional point of view of popular science influenza treatment and characteristics..... Xiaobian's platform focuses on medical informatization , so we are also rethinking. As a part of the medical industry , what kind of help can patients and families provide in the life and death?

All along, we hope that medical informationization can facilitate the diagnosis and treatment. We hope that informationization can help us at the moment of life and death. This is our conviction and we believe that many of them share the same belief. However, we must also see that there is still a lot of room for development in medical informatization. We hope that the pace of development of medical informatization will be faster, so as to provide more help to those in need.

Today, with this article that keeps everyone alert, Xiao Bian rethinks the power of "informatization." We welcome experts in the circle to speak in the comment area, release the power of medical information, and use the power of science and technology to help those in need.

First, which hospital is good? On the internet

Go back to the initial problem of seeing a doctor - choose a hospital. When you need to choose a specialist authority, everyone is still used to asking acquaintances, because Xiaobian is often asked, "Which hospitals are mixed, it is better to see xx diseases." Hey, if it is not a particularly rare disease, Xiaobian will generally Several online consultation consultation platforms, select a few reliable top three hospitals for reference. If it is urgent, I will ask the classmates who are looking for medical doctors. No matter which department she/he is studying, it seems that they are all familiar with the big hospitals, colleges and universities in Beijing. As for what mode (the routine) they are, it is not known.

This area is not a blank. There are a large number of Internet consultation platforms and products. However, it seems that it has not entered the "home of ordinary people." How can we let the public know about them and trust them?

Second, there is no bed in the transfer? Medical team platform check

The article mentioned the transfer to the hospital many times, from private hospitals to the top three hospitals, to the acquaintance hospitals, and to the small hospitals to "wait", the author first wants to rely on "relationships." When the "relationship" could not be done in a higher-level hospital, the doctors at Ding Hospital helped to communicate with the Chaoyang Hospital and other hospitals for respiratory science, and finally determined the hospital.

In mobilizing medical resources, personal relationships must be limited, and the general public who need professional resources will be connected to high-quality medical resources as soon as possible, and institutional support is needed. It is reported that Beijing is gradually forming eight specialist medical associations in cardiovascular medicine, respiratory medicine, neurology, gynecology, orthopedics, endocrinology, ophthalmology, pediatric diseases, etc., in order to achieve the coordination of high-quality medical resources and referrals. For the difficulties encountered by the author, it is definitely a coup.

To understand the high-quality resource idle rate in real time, it is not enough to rely on the “telephone line” to find a hospital/sub-division for the referral. Using information technology to open up inter-agency and inter-departmental information interconnection, and bringing the public and quality medical resources closer together, will be the goal that our medical informatization people need to work hard to achieve.

Third, the medical records can not take? EMR can be connected after networking

On January 11th, "until now, I can't find out what kind of bacteria are infected. The body temperature is not high overall, and the human spirit is also good. Every time the filming of the lungs is sharply deteriorated, there is no improvement. Every The hospital repeatedly asked whether the lungs had had any symptoms before. Over and over again, the doctor asked again and again, it seems that the lungs are abnormally worse, and the situation is not optimistic."

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