Early spring shed room cucumber defense

First, reasonable watering and fertilization. After the spring temperature rises, the cucumber grows faster. In order to meet the growth of the plants, some vegetable farmers blindly increase the amount of watering and fertilization, resulting in the growth of cucumbers. Therefore, in order to prevent the cucumber from growing and cultivating the strong, it is necessary to properly water and fertilize.

Second, reasonable temperature control. In the spring, the temperature rises faster. If the wind is closed too early and the grass cover is too early, it is easy to have high night temperature, increased respiration, and excessive nutrient consumption, causing the cucumber to grow. Therefore, according to the insulation of the shed, adjust the time of closing the air outlet and placing the grass. On sunny days, the temperature of the shed can be lowered to about 18 °C to close the tuyere, and the grass can be lowered to about 16 °C to control the night temperature of the cucumber at 13-15 °C.

Third, the right amount of fruit. For spring cucumber, if the plant is long, the root melon can be left as early as possible to promote the transformation of the plant from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, thereby regulating the growth of the plant. However, the root melon must be picked early in time to avoid falling, affecting the later fruit set.

Fourth, spray conditioning agent. The weather in spring is changeable. After the temperature rises, there may be a “cold spring” weather. Spraying new high-fat film + foliar fertilizer, keeping warm and anti-freezing, transforming plant vegetative growth into reproductive nutrition, inhibiting main shoots, promoting flower bud differentiation, more flowering, improving pollen fertilization quality, more flowering, more fruit, and fruit drop prevention. Promote development. Pay attention to the weather forecast when using, and use it according to the weather conditions.

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