Chinese medicine guide: moxibustion therapy can eliminate body mass

How long does moxibustion, small bags disappear? We use examples to explain how the body has small masses to use moxibustion. A blogger discovered that her daughter’s ear had a soy-sized bag behind her ear and was brown. After giving her daughter more than 10 minutes of moxibustion near the mass, the two went out together. On the way, her daughter suddenly said to her mother, Mom, the bag on my ear seemed to be small. Her mother looked at it and was very surprised because the bag was really small and it was still soft. Visible, moxibustion therapy can eliminate body mass.

Moxibustion treatment of body mass

In moxibustion, not all masses are smaller first, and some masses will increase first. There will be some mucus inside this mass that needs to be slowly absorbed by the body. Therefore, if there is swelling phenomenon, please do not be afraid, you can first stop moxibustion after a day or two, let the expansion of the mass and then reduce moxibustion, repeated stimulation of it several times, the small package will disappear without a trace. This is due to the warm stimulation of the moxibustion that causes the contents of the mass to be agitated little by little and dissipated as the blood runs.

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