High-yielding cultivation of mushrooms in the winter

Scientific vaccination and inoculation of acupoints are more prevalent, which is conducive to enhancing the mycelium's ability to fight drought. The mushroom mycelium will germinate rapidly under constant temperature and humidity, and increase the survival rate.

The hot water is used to stimulate buds with hot water dip method, which can double the yield of mushroom blocks. The specific methods are:

1. Select the block or tube that will produce good bacteria, fully dry and select non-polluting, complete blocks or tubes for processing.

2, with warm hot water dip block is a good way to cultivate mushroom buds in winter. When dipping, generally the water is burned to 33°C and then the mushroom or fungus tube is poured into the pool and soaked for 3 to 5 hours. If the water temperature decreases, add hot water and adjust the water temperature to 18~33°C. Dip the fish and place it on the mushrooming site. Cover it with plastic film to maintain its temperature until it buds out. Then use the ventilation system. If the temperature is low during the mushrooming period, spray the block directly at 18~33°C. The hot water is then covered with a plastic film to increase the temperature inside the film.

It takes about 1 week for the fruiting stem to protect the fruiting body of the mushroom. The management of this period should be as follows: control the room temperature at about 15°C, maintain the relative humidity of the air at about 90%, and alternately cool and heat the dry and wet. After harvesting a batch of mushrooms, it is necessary to remove the membrane and ventilate for 8 to 10 hours to allow the surface of the fungus tube to dry slightly, and spray water on sunny days. Ganoderma thin film during the day, so that mycelium rejuvenation, after 12:00 at night remove the film ventilation for 1 hour, so that low-temperature stimulation of mycelium, to promote the occurrence of mushroom buds, continuous 3 to 4 days can be.

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