Five of the broiler breeders are "harmful too early and too late"

There are many key technical measures in the breeding process of laying hens. The timeliness requirements are very strict and must be completed on time. Otherwise, it can bring serious losses to chickens. The brief description is as follows:

Hatchery midwifery

"It's harmful to be too early and too late"

1. Suitable time for hatchery chicken midwifery: Hatching chicken midwifery refers to artificial hatching measures for hatching chicks that are difficult to hatch. The appropriate time for hatching to 21 days, the chicks began to carry out a large number of pupa hatching, at this time if you see a small hole, or in the egg head oyster shell, who can not shell out to implement midwifery. The method is: to remove a small part of the egg shell at the clam shell, gently pull out the flesh, and remove the mucus from the nostrils to make it out of the shell. If the clam shell is stuck with mucus, it can be moistened with warm water, used to open the pliers or scissors to cut, in order to facilitate the hatching of chicks.

2. Premature harm to midwifery: There is still a small number of larva hatching, and it is not necessarily a difficult-to-producer. If the shell is broken prematurely, the water will evaporate too much and it will be easy to form a sticky shell of the chick.

3. The harm of midwifery: Chicks are struggling to wait for assistance, exhausted for too long, and easily suffocated in the eggshell.

Chickens eat food

"It's harmful to be too early and too late"

1. The appropriate time for chicks to eat: The first feeding of chickens is called open food. It should be done after more than one-third of chicks have foraging performance 24 hours after hatching. In this way, the yolk remaining in the body can be absorbed and utilized, and the chick can have enough rest time after entering the brooding house, which is favorable for growth and development. Drinking water for 2 to 4 hours before starting food can make it easier to eat.
When you start eating, you will feed the millet that has been burned with boiled water. After 3 to 4 days, feed the nutritious compound feed.

2. Premature harm caused by eating too much: The chicks have fully digestive function 36 hours after hatching. If they start eating less than 24 hours after hatching, they may injure the digestive system, cause indigestion, dilute the excrement, or expel the food. Growth and development.

3. The harms of eating too late: fasting chickens, long-term consumption of physical strength, excessive water loss, the body becomes weak, reduce the rate of high chicks, affecting growth and development.

Chicks break

"It's harmful to be too early and too late"

Due to the short growing period of commercial broilers, they are generally not broken. Defective lice are mainly performed in broiler chicks for two purposes: (1) to prevent wastage of feed, and each broiler can save 2.2 kilograms of feed after one year. (2) It can prevent the occurrence of defects such as feathers, toes, and anal fistulas.

1. Appropriate breakage time: Mainly for 7~10 days old, it is more convenient to use electric heating device. The size of pore size varies with different ages. The pore size is 4.4mm at 6~8 days and it is used for 9~10 days. 4.8mm pore size, in order to reduce stress and reduce bleeding, vitamin K2 mg/kg feed was added to the diet one day before chopping, and 0.1% vitamin C was added to drinking water.

2. Premature harms due to severance: Chicks are poorly tolerated and prone to serious stress.

3. Too late to break the harmful effects: As a result of phlegm has grown a lot, rich blood vessels and nerves, easy to bleeding too much, more prone to serious stress, affecting growth and development.

Egg calcium supplement

"It's harmful to be too early and too late"

1. The suitable time for calcium supplementation of laying hens: The commercial laying hens are 18 weeks old, the broiler breeders are 22 weeks old, and the opening time is about 2 weeks, which is an important time for calcium supplementation. There are two methods: (1) In the broiler chicken feed, add shell powder or calcium carbonate powder every day. The dosage starts from 1% and gradually increases, reaching 3.4% to 3.5% at the end. (2) When the egg production rate is close to 5%, it will be replaced by a high calcium-containing “egg chicken feed”.

2. Premature effects of calcium supplementation: During the rearing period, the demand for calcium from chickens is relatively small, which accounts for about one-third of the calcium requirement for laying hens. If calcium is added prematurely, it cannot be absorbed and used. The excess calcium comes from Renal excretion can cause severe gout.

3. Calcium late harm: The demand for calcium, laying hens than chicks, bred chicken 3 to 4 times higher, if a large number of calcium before the start of production, previously could not absorb a sufficient amount of calcium, can not meet the eggshell formation The need to use calcium reserves in bones is prone to osteomalacia and snoring.

Laying chicken production

"It's harmful to be too early and too late"

The beginning of production of laying hens at the age of first day of production is called “timely production”. The benefits are: large initial production, long duration of egg production, high feed rewards during laying, high qualification rate of hatching eggs, and high hatching rate. Death rate is low.

1. The suitable time for laying hens to start production: (1) Using the laying rate as a standard: Generally, the opening age is set when the group laying rate reaches 5%. (2) Based on the age at the time of opening, the chickens of different breeds were born at different ages: 119 days for Dika chicken, 126 days for Luoman chicken, and 140 days for both Hailan chicken and Xingza 288 chicken. The chicken is 150 days old.

2. Premature harm caused by production: (1) Harm to chicken body: Chicken has poor skeletal muscle development, small body, light weight, thin, premature aging, prone to fatigue, dyspareunia, increased anal prolapse, multiple anal fistula . (2) Hazards to laying performance: The production of eggs is small, the weight of eggs is light, the production rate of eggs rises slowly, the peak duration of egg production is short, and the egg production rate drops sharply after the peak of egg production.

3. The hazards of producing too late: (1) Harm of the chicken body: Because the production of eggs is too large, it is difficult to produce laboriously, and the prolapse of the anus increases. (2) Hazards to the performance of laying eggs: Eggs are prone to overgrowth in the first few days of production, the peak of egg production is delayed, the total number of days of production is reduced, and the total egg production is reduced.

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