How can we prevent stomach problems?

Liu Dingye, the former vice president of Henan Medical University, was legendary. Someone used the oil poem to sum up: "Escape from the wild, eat crickets, smash guns, cross the Yalu River; go through Tibet, cross the ocean, donate blood to save the wounds, and run school in your old age. "He is 78 years old this year. His gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system are very healthy. Both blood pressure and blood sugar are normal. Body shape is good, 1.71 meters tall and 60 kg in weight.

In 2006, he was named "healthy elderly" by Zhengzhou University.

Diet is not eating too much

I am 21 years old to participate in the War of Resistance Against Japan and the DPRK. Our surgical team is in the field hospital. It is close to the front line and the wounded who need surgery must be operated immediately. I was still internship at that time, mainly as an assistant, pre-operative preparations, and sometimes anesthesia. The work is very tense, and it takes more than ten hours to work every day. It is often necessary to perform several consecutive operations. It is difficult to eat regularly, sometimes taking the time to eat biscuits and drinking porridge, which is bad for the stomach.

Because my grandfather and father are Chinese medicine practitioners, I have always kept in mind that “there is a diet”. Regardless of whether you usually improve your life or celebrate a successful meal, I always exercise restraint, which is usually 80% full and does not add extra burden to the gastrointestinal system.

In 1973, as Deputy Dean of the Affiliated Hospital of Henan Medical University, I led the medical team to Tibet. At that time I was 44 years old. The medical team is located close to the Sino-Indian border, with an altitude of 4,000 meters above sea level. Due to the altitude sickness, the players did not have appetite. At that time, there was no pressure cooker. When the water was burned to 80°C, it was cooked. The food was uncooked, and the food was sticky. The local glutinous, buttered tea and beef and mutton were not used to eating. There was almost no appetite at the beginning. I saw this situation and let the players complete the meal as a political task. I took the lead to eat some glutinous, buttered tea and a little beef and mutton.

After getting used to it, there was a pressure cooker and the problem of food was solved. At this time, I asked the team members not to overeat. The climate here is cold, and some players love to drink hard alcohol at night. I remind them that they should not overdo it. I firmly refuse to drink strong alcohol, and do not eat foods that are highly irritating because they can destroy the gastric mucosa and can cause stomach problems over time. Although the harm of alcoholism is not limited to the stomach, the stomach is a direct victim.

Change bad habits

In the counties of Tibet, Cuomei and Loza in the Shannan region of Tibet, I led the medical team to cooperate with local hospitals. In the epidemiological survey, I found that among the top 10 most common and frequently-occurring episodes, stomach diseases accounted for the first place and accounted for about 30% of the number of people affected. Analysis of reasons, in addition to geographical and climatic reasons, are closely related to eating habits. If the local people have the cold food, raw food and the habit of constantly eating snacks, eating a large proportion of beef and mutton, so that the gastrointestinal burden is too heavy.

According to this situation, I propose to change the bad eating habits, not eating raw meat and half-cooked meat, promote the use of cooked meat; eat the right amount of vegetables and fruits; butter and colostrum to eat; try not to smoke.

I have also learned that stomach problems focus on prevention. Training local doctors and hygienists is to strengthen prevention. The important one is to change bad eating habits.

In fact, people suffering from stomach problems in the plain areas are mostly related to bad eating habits. If someone does not eat breakfast and dinner becomes the main meal, or even dinner at night, these do not meet the health requirements. There are also people who smoke and drink alcohol, "can drink half a catty drink eight or two, so that can be called forthright", "When a man does not smoke, white circle around the world." Therefore, to protect the gastrointestinal tract, we must start by changing these bad habits.

Stomach is the "second face"

In 1983, when I was 54 years old, I was appointed as the captain of China's medical team supporting Zambia. The medical team worked at the Central Hospital of Kabwe and the Thomson Hospital of Luangsha. A Zambian official suffered from chest tightness and abdominal distension. I took a physician to examine him. The diagnosis was due to dyspepsia caused by work fatigue. He was reminded to rest and he was treated with Chinese and Western medicines. He soon recovered to health. There was also a senior lady's wife who suffered from stomach pain. I treated her with acupuncturists for several times and the pain was eliminated.

During more than two years in Zambia, the medical team I headed up has established profound friendship with the local people and all walks of life, and has also had new experiences in the treatment of diseases. For example, in addition to other pathogenic factors in the stomach, mental factors can not be ignored. For example, overwork, anxiety, depression, etc. can also lead to peptic ulcers and gastritis. Some people say that "the stomach is the second person's face." There is a certain truth. Therefore, we must pay attention to psychotherapy in the treatment of stomach diseases, and we must be cheerful and happy in preventing and treating stomach diseases.

Eat porridge often "change pattern"

After returning from Zambia, I took up the position of Vice President of Henan Medical University. I have a heavy workload, but my life is relatively stable. In order to maintain a strong working spirit, I pay more attention to protecting the gastrointestinal system. The main measures are:

Dietary ration. 500ml of milk in the morning, two slices of bread or two cakes, and sometimes one more egg. At noon, it is sometimes 150 grams of noodles for fishing, usually egg or tomato brine or lean meat brine, sometimes 150 grams of rice, stir-fried vegetables, celery, tune cucumber, potatoes, etc., often eat fungus; rice and pasta are often rotated to eat. A steamed bun (100 g) at night, one or a few pieces of beef with chicken wings and a bowl of porridge (usually changing patterns such as corn bran, sweet potato noodle soup, red date porridge, red bean porridge, etc.). Some people say that this is too little food, not enough to eat. But I think the quality is good and nutrition is enough.

Smoking cessation limit wine. No smoking on any occasion. Hard liquor never touches lips. Occasionally drink a small glass or two.

Little medication. As a retired cadre, drug costs can be reimbursed, but I rarely take medicine for years. "It is a drug three-point poison," and it must pass through the stomach. It will inevitably cause irritation or even harm to the stomach. Try not to use drugs to avoid drug accumulation. Of course, it is not absolutely not to take medicine. Sometimes it takes a cold. It is necessary to eat a bit of Chinese medicine that is detoxifying and detoxifying. In recent years, each of the vitamin tablets and vitamin E has been taken one by one each day to supplement the deficiency in the elderly. All other tonic medicines are not used, and vitamins are strictly restricted so as to avoid excessive harm.

Work and rest, proper exercise. Every morning, take a walk in the fresh air and do limb movements. Play billiards after breakfast. From 10:00 to 11:00, browse the newspapers of the day. After the afternoon lunch, I engaged in some research activities or practice calligraphy and painting. At times, the school invites classes to attend medical ethics classes or party classes. Take a walk outdoors after dinner. 7:30 began watching news broadcasts and television shows of interest (especially historical dramas and war stories) on time, and entered the night around 10:00. Stay happy, content and happy, and forget about things in learning.

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