Drying process of day lily

Day lily processing is divided into the following several steps in sequence.

First, steaming

1. Steam room construction. The steam room consists of a large iron pan and a small room on the pan. The sides and ceilings of the rooms are closed, and the front doors are opened. The room is divided into 3 to 4 floors, with 2 sieves placed on each floor. A 0 to 100°C thermometer is inserted into each side of the room and coal is used as a fuel.

2. Steaming. First put fresh yellow flowers in the sieve, each sieve put 5 to 6 kilograms, thickness 12 to 15 centimeters, the request is slightly higher in the middle, slightly lower around, showing a bread-like shape, and then the middle lightly dig a concave, to be filled with fluffy pine Loose, so that heat evenly, consistent maturity. After installation, place the sieve in the steam room, close the door, and set the stove on fire. The hot water is generated by the water in the pan to increase the temperature of the steam room. When the temperature reaches 70-75°C, it is cooked for 3 to 5 minutes.

3. Finished product. Steamed vegetables, buds covered with small drops of water. From yellowish green to yellowish green, the fluffy flowerbed is immersed in 1/3~1/2; the flower body is soft, and the pedicel is slightly curved; the buds are buzzing and live inside and outside; the steamed buds are dried. 16%~20%, 5~6 kilograms of fresh vegetables produce 1 kilogram of dried vegetables. The good dried vegetable strips are thick, golden in color, oily, strong in rejuvenation, high in sugar content, delicious in taste and good in merchandise.

Second, pickled

Purchased locally, marinated in place. At the beginning, the additive was added to the water and stirred well, and then the fresh yellow flower was put in for marinating. The specific method is: mix the edible additive sodium metabisulfite with the fresh yellow flower that is picked or purchased, and mix it in a proportion of 3% to 3.5%, mix it in a closed container (big sack or plastic bag), put it in a greenhouse or have sufficient light. Place marinated for 24 hours, remove and control the moisture, then dry. This method is simpler than traditional steaming method, labor-saving, fuel-efficient, golden yellow color after drying, no fritters or blue bars after processing, good commercial quality, processing is not limited by the number, from a few kilograms more Hundreds of kilograms can be carried out, especially in the rainy days, it will not cause a lot of buds and rotten.

Third, drying

The dried flower buds are dispersed and the quality is stable, which is convenient for storage and transportation.

1. Dry. Steamed buds, it is best to maintain the original state, do not immediately sieve out, if the screen is not open when the turnover is not enough, you can also cool down the bud in the sun, but do not reverse the screen. When the sun is spread again, it is not easy to crotch, deform, dry, and sticky. The sieve is placed in a cool and ventilated place for 1 to 2 hours, and the remaining heat is further cooked to make the sugar on the epidermis converge, and the ripeness is uniform and the color is beautiful.

2. Dried out. A wooden frame is made, which is lowered from the south to the north, nails are prepared, nailed into a sun bed, placed in a well-lit place, and evenly spread the cool daylily or pickled day lily. On the mat, flip 1 to 2 times a day, and use double-seats on the first day. That is to say, an empty seat is used to cover the sun bed, and it is clamped and flipped. It is fast and not sticky, and the buds do not bend after being dried. Can not be turned over when it is not half dry, to prevent curling after drying, usually two days to dry. The savory dish is not crispy when held by hand and spreads naturally when loosened.

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