American Scholar: Men's Sports Diet 9 Highlights

American scholars have specifically summarized the nine elements of diet for men:

1, eat a certain amount of chromium

Chromium helps to promote the metabolism of cholesterol, enhance the body's endurance, in addition, it can also promote muscle formation under certain physical conditions, avoid excess fat. A middle-aged man needs at least 50 micrograms of chromium a day, while those with a lot of activity need 100-200 micrograms of chromium a day. Such doses of chromium are difficult to obtain from food, so men are advised to take chromium-containing pharmaceutical preparations (such as multivitamins and minerals) or drink beer.

2. Foods rich in plant fibers

The main role of plant fibers is to accelerate the peristaltic movement of the intestinal field, lower cholesterol and certain bile salts, reduce glucose and fatty acids in the blood, and have the effect of lowering blood pressure. In addition, it can eliminate certain anti-ulcer substances and prevent rectal cancer. . People who eat vegetal fiber foods will have a feeling of fullness, and they will worry about the excess calories they accumulate, so it also has the effect of losing weight. It is recommended that men consume 18-20 grams of plant fiber at each meal. The main foods rich in plant fibers are wheat bran, whole wheat bread, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, apples, lettuce, cauliflower, celery and so on.

3, eat food containing magnesium

Magnesium helps regulate heart activity, lower blood pressure, and prevent heart attacks. It also improves men's fertility. Men are advised to eat 2 bowls of oatmeal with milk and 1 banana for breakfast. Foods containing more magnesium include soybeans, baked potatoes, walnuts, oatmeal, macaroni, leafy vegetables, and seafood.

4, eat foods containing Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps to improve human immunity, prevent cancer, and protect people's eyesight. An adult man needs 1000 micrograms of vitamin A daily, but excessive consumption is harmful to his health. Foods containing more vitamin A are liver, dairy products, fish, tomatoes, carrots, apricots and melons.

5. Foods containing vitamin B6

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Powdered vegetables are a nutritious alternative to raw vegetables. Powderedvegetables take longer to prepare, but are easier to digest. Reconstitute powderedvegetables by cooking them into soups, stews and casseroles. Cooking softens foodso you digest it more easily. Raw vegetables have a richer flavor, texture andappearance.

Powdered vegetables are a nutritious alternative to raw vegetables. Powdered vegetables take longer to prepare, but are easier to digest. Reconstitute powdered vegetables by cooking them into soups, stews and casseroles. Cooking softens food so you digest it more easily. Raw vegetables have a richer flavor, texture and appearance.

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