Winter fast weight loss recipes

About the fast weight loss method in winter

Potato pot

Ingredients: 1 potato, 2 sisian slices, 1 bacon, 1 piece of cream, a little salt, a little pepper, 1 strawberry


1, potato peeled and cleaned directly into the bowl on the pot steamed, stir evenly stir the muddy, sieve with a sieve back.

2, Bacon roasted incense after the direct use.

3. Add the mashed potatoes, bacon, and cream together with pepper, mix in a small cup, and finally buckle in a dish.

4. The Qishi tablets are cut into thin strips, braided into a mesh, placed directly on the potatoes and placed in an oven for baking.

lose weight

Purple cabbage fried shrimp

Ingredients: Purple cabbage 300g, shrimp 50g


1, purple cabbage clean, cut into thin uniform spare.

2. The shrimps should be washed clean and salvaged and drained;

3, the amount of vegetable oil into the pot, add garlic pieces stir fry;

4, into the fire to purple cabbage into the pot, stir fry, in order to preserve the nutrition and color of food, we can not fry too bad.

5, put the prepared shrimp skin, stir fry a few times quickly, it is best to add salt, sugar, stir well you can pot consumption.

Sweet Chilli Sauce

Desly Foods Co.,Ltd. ,

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