Supermarket vegetables cabinet Jingxian medicine for which?

Supermarket vegetables cabinet Jingxian medicine for which? Xiao Bian saw a news today. When I saw it, I was shocked and shared it with everyone.

It is said that in the underground supermarket of a shopping mall in the mouth of Wuchang, there are several kinds of medicinal vegetables on the side of the vegetable cabinet, and the price is not cheap. Purple backlit 35.8 yuan/kg, Houttuynia 49.8/yuan kg, Tianqi 61.2 yuan/kg...

When a customer took these medicines to inquire about the salesperson, they unanimously stated that these were medicinal vegetables that were clearing away fire and detoxifying. They sold well.

Xiao Bian does not know how people think about this matter. For Xiao Bian personally, it is a drug three-point poison. The ancients said that "the right medicine" is not to talk about it, just take a medicine to go home to burn and eat, seemingly harmless, and may be no harm to the body. Those customers who “had heard that Houttuynia can cure a cold and bought it for their children” had thought about the negative effects of Houttuyniae? Ever wonder if everyone's physique can accept Chinese herbal medicines in this way?

Xiao Bian thinks that if you really want to eat Chinese medicine, you should still go to the hospital. After all, this kind of medicinal herbs sold as wild herbs is very small, and the traditional Chinese medicines that are used to treat diseases are processed and used in conjunction with other herbs. The effect is certainly much poorer.

Everyone must pay attention to supermarkets afterwards. It is not that supermarkets can sell medicinal herbs to prove that medicinal herbs can be easily eaten and eaten, and everything is weighted on their own bodies.

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