6 benefits of eating bird's nest

As we all know, bird's nest is one of the common supplements and is suitable for many people to eat. Today, we will introduce to you the benefits of eating a bird's nest for men and how to eat it. In the winter, you can try to eat bird's nest to keep your health.

6 benefits of eating bird's nest

Remove lung dryness: Many smokers have unclear lungs. The polysaccharides and vitamins contained in bird's nests can enhance the immune function. Long-term consumption of bird's nests can nourish the lungs. It can be said that bird's nest is a good choice for men who smoke to remove smoke. Eating bird's nest can also make people's skin smooth, elastic and shiny, thus reducing men's wrinkles. According to some men who have eaten bird's nests, after eating the bird nest for 2 to 3 months, they clearly felt that the lungs were refreshing and comfortable, and the skin was much better. The medicine has the medicinal value of nourishing yin and strengthening the face, relieving cough, relieving asthma, tonifying kidney, and replenishing Qi.


Rejuvenation: Many men are busy at work or working overtime at night, fatigue, and reduced immunity. At this time, eating bird's nest properly will help men restore energy and strengthen their body resistance.

Improve skin texture: The rich active protein and collagen in bird's nest can improve men's skin, enhance skin elasticity, and make men's spirits full of self-confidence.

Internal organs: Bird's nest can assist in the nutritional supplementation and exercise of internal organs and prevent diseases effectively. Reduce cholesterol and other harmful factors.

Respiratory system: Men have more entertaining, smoking, drinking, and long-term damage to the respiratory system. With the pressure of work, mental stress, lack of sleep, the body will be in a sub-health state. The bird's nest has a good effect on the men's kidneys and strong lungs, preventing catastrophic damage and other effects. Especially for those "old smokers", the bird's nest is a rare "washing lung" and lung-enriching product.

Beauty: Men's skin is very different from women. The male hormone stimulates sebum secretion, sebaceous glands and sweat glands are relatively large, facial growth beard. The oily skin of the skin is easy to greasy. The acidity is higher than that of women, and more sebum and sweat are secreted than women. Therefore, it is especially important to keep the skin moist and dry. Collagen in the bird's nest helps to replenish moisture and enhance the men's skin's ability to store water while controlling excess oil and keeping the skin dry. In addition, the collagen content in the bird's nest also makes the men's nails stronger, the hair grow thicker, and the joints move more freely than ever before.

So, how should bird's nest eat the best?

Nutritional eating of bird's nest

The bird's nest is raised before cooking. Its methods include alkaline hair, evaporation and foaming. Foaming method is to first soak the bird's nest with cold water, and after its swelling and foaming, use a white plate along the porcelain plate to inject clean water, gently remove the bird's nest and place it in the dish (because the bird's nest and dishes are all white, Hairy and other impurities are easy to find, use sharp picks to choose to remove the hair, impurities and metamorphic parts.Be sure to choose a clean, lighter operation, can not mess up the shape and break the bird's nest silk.Choose the net and then use cool water Wash, put it into the soup slowly simmer with slow fire.

Wen Huo Shui Dun is appropriate. Every soup stew, or make dishes, herbal meals. Soak in warm water before eating to remove feathers, blood and impurities.

The bird's nest is of a mild nature and its efficacy is slow. It needs to adhere to the magical effects.

Next, let's take a look at the bird's nest.

Man takes note of bird's nest

Generally eating spicy and greasy food during the consumption of bird's nest, because bird's nest contains more protein, so when eating bird's nest, we must eat less acidic things, at least to avoid eating at the same time.

Do not smoke or smoke when eating bird's nest, and avoid secondhand smoke at the same time.

When taking other medicines, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, bird's nest can be eaten during the period, but it is necessary to avoid eating at the same time. Generally, it should be separated by one or two hours.

To eat bird's nest to avoid drinking tea at the same time, because the tea contains tea acid, it will destroy the bird's nest of nutrition, it is best to drink 1 hour apart.

Eat bird's nest to eat less frequently, keep regular meals, dry bird nest 3 to 5 grams each time, instant bird's nest each time about 20 to 30 grams, to eat on an empty stomach, once a day or every other day, fasting in the morning or at night before going to bed Fasting eats the best. For friends who are allergic to aspirin, it is recommended not to eat bird's nest.

Bird's nest is good for men, but you need to know more before eating.

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