Can people with diabetes eat crabs?

Crab itself is a cold food, can play a variety of effects such as cooling blood, heat, detoxification. The people with diabetes who belong to yang deficiency and blood deficiency constitution should avoid cold and cold food. As a diabetic, even if you like to eat crabs again, you also need to control them. It's best not to eat crabs, especially crab yellow.

Can people with diabetes eat crabs?

Health experts believe that crab itself is a cold food (tips: food is simply divided into cold, cold, warm, hot, flat five properties) cold food: pharmacologically speaking negative, there are Heat, purging fire, cooling blood, detoxification and other effects, and more suitable for hot disorders.

Some patients with diabetes are yang deficiency, qi deficiency or phlegm constitution (tips: the human body is simply divided into yin deficiency physical constitution, yang deficiency constitution, qi deficiency constitution, phlegm constitution, blood stasis constitution, Qi constitution, etc. Susceptibility to disease. People with yang deficiency, blood deficiency, or phlegm are afraid of cold, indigestion, or puffiness, and they are all forbidden to have cold foods. Therefore, the coolness of crabs just promotes the "cold" disease in diabetics. . In summary, diabetics cannot eat cold and other cold foods.


Can diabetics eat crab yellow?

Diabetes is a chronic disease. It is mainly caused by people's uncontrolled diet and excessive intake of sugar-containing substances. This causes a disease caused by higher blood sugar levels in the body than normal, and once the disease is cured, there is no cure. The hope is that patients can only rely on drugs to keep their condition from worsening. However, long-term such drugs must have adverse effects on the body.

In fact, patients only need to pay a little attention in their daily diet to effectively maintain blood sugar stability. But what specific attention should be paid to it? Let’s first look at how diabetic patients can eat crab yellow. The following is a more detailed introduction to crab yellow:

Crab is crab eggs. Contains a lot of essential protein, fat, phospholipids, vitamins and other nutrients, rich in nutrition. Can make a lot of food: crab yellow porridge, crab yellow bean curd and so on.

Crab applies to the crowd

1. It is suitable for bruises, broken bones, blood stasis and swelling, residual maternal placenta, premature labor contraction and weakness, and unsatisfied fetal consumption, especially crab claws.

2. People who have normal spleen-stomach deficiency, loose stools, faint abdominal pain, cold-cold, healed wind, persistent wind disease, and intractable pruritus are not allowed to eat;

3. Menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, and pregnant women should not eat crabs, especially crab claws.

The efficacy and role of crab

Crabs are not only rich in nutrients but also have functions such as digestion and dieting. Crabs have the benefits of preventing arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol, and cancer. Crabs contain a lot of protein and cholesterol.

Crab (páng xiè): animal kingdom, arthropod door, crustacean, decapoda, crawling suborder. Crabs are crustaceans and their bodies are protected by crusts. Crabs breathe on their backs. In taxonomy, crabs and shrimp, lobsters, and hermit crabs are considered to be similar animals. Most types of crabs live in or near the sea, and some crabs live in fresh water or live on land. They rely on female crabs to give birth to small crabs. Each time the female crabs produce a lot of eggs, which can amount to several million grains or more. Crabs rely on the earth's magnetic field to determine the direction. China has a long history of crab eating, and it is recorded in "Yi Zhou Shu Hui Hui Jie" and "Zhou Li Tian Guan Yu Ren".

Crabs are rich in protein and trace elements and have a good tonic effect on the body. Crab contains more vitamin A, which helps the keratinization of the skin. Crabs also have anti-tuberculosis effects, and eating crabs will greatly benefit the recovery of tuberculosis.

Crab meat is cold, taste salty, with Shujin Qi, rational stomach digestion, through the meridians, scattered heat, heat, nourishing yin, can deal with bruises, tendon fractures, allergic dermatitis. In addition, crab meat has a good effect on hypertension, arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis, hyperlipidemia and various cancers.

Crabs must not be eaten with sweet potatoes, squash, honey, oranges, pears, pomegranates, tomatoes, cantaloupe, peanuts, snails, celery, persimmons, rabbits, and Nepeta; eating crabs without drinking cold drinks can cause diarrhea.

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