Yin Yin heat how to eat

Yin Yin heat how to do? From the perspective of Chinese medicine, everyone has different physiques, if you often have heart trouble, dizziness, palpitations, weakness, paleness and other symptoms, then it may be yin deficiency of internal heat in the body, in the daily diet and habits More attention was paid in the medium and reasonable improvements were made.

1, eggs


Eggs are flat and sweet. Not only can they nourish qi and nourish blood, but they also have the effect of nourishing yin and moistening dryness regardless of egg white or egg yolk. Eggs are considered by the medical community to be good protein foods, with egg albumin, ovoglobulin, and phosvitin being very complete proteins. Those who are guilty of yin deficiency should eat well, especially when the eggs are eaten with soybeans. For example, folks use eggs and soya-bean milk for food, which is more beneficial.

2, milk

Milk is flat and sweet. It is not only nutritious, but also has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing liquid and producing fluid. Ancient doctors praised the role of milk in the role of nourishing milk, or milk, "Run muscle quench thirst," "Run skin," "Run large intestine," or phlegm "nourish five internal organs," "moisturizing rehydration." Where physical constitution is yin deficiency, should eat it regularly, benefit a lot.

3, soft-shelled turtle

The soft-shelled turtle is flat, sweet, and has the effect of nourishing yin and cooling blood. It is an ideal supplement for the people who are in need of yin deficiency and food. "Ben Cao Bei Yao" said that it can "cool and nourish yin." "With the interest of home diet spectrum" also believes that the soft-shelled turtle can "nourish the kidney of the yin, the heat of the Qing dynasty." Therefore, the soft-shelled turtle on the yin and blood heat or Yin Huo-wang, imaginary bone steamers, more appropriate. The back shell of the soft-shelled turtle, also known as armor, also has the effect of nourishing Yin and enriching blood.

4, scallop

Scallops, also known as Jiang Shuzhu and Majiao, are a kind of seafood food. Flat, sweet and salty, can nourish yin and kidney. "Bencai seeking truth" says that it can "get yin." "Herbal new" calls it "the treatment of diabetes." The scallop meat is tender and delicious, and it is a high-protein food. Therefore, yin deficiency people should use scallop soup as the most beneficial.

5, sea cucumber

Sea cucumber has nourishing yin, blood, Yi Jing, moistening effect. "Pharmaceutical test" said it "fire and nourishing the kidney." "Food taboo" also contains: "Sea cucumber kidney essence, benefit essence." Wang Mengying, a food doctor in the Qing Dynasty, believed that sea cucumbers could “nourish yin, strengthen blood, and moisten dryness”. Sea cucumber is a high-protein, low-fat seafood delicacy that can replenish your body and nourish yin. Yin physique should be eaten regularly.

6, 蛤蜊

Cold, salty taste, can nourish yin, phlegm, softness. Ancient physicians believe that "students work together, nourishing yin and eyesight." Ming Xixi Xie once pointed out: "If you are sexually moist and help your body fluid, you will be able to moisturize your internal organs and stop your thirst and appetizers." You can see Yin deficiency or yin deficiency patients, including diabetes, Sjogren's syndrome, tuberculosis, and oncology. Wait, food is quite appropriate.

7, pear

Pears have the effect of Sheng Jin, Runzao, and heat, and they are the most suitable for those who suffer from lung yin deficiency or heat injury. "Ben Cao Tong Xuan" once said that pears were "the yin of the five filthy organs that are ripe." "Chongqing Hall essay" also said: "Dampness is hot and dry, and the yin deficiency is fiery, the body fluid is phlegmatic, and the wolfberry juice drink is effective."

8, mulberry

Mulberry is cold, sweet, has the function of nourishing yin and strengthening blood, and can best fill the yin of liver and kidney. "Ben Cao Shu" thinks: "Wuyi Yiyi Yin will benefit Yinxue." "Ben Cao Jing Shu" is also known as mulberry, "a medicine for cooling blood and replenishing yin." It also says "Diabetes is due to internal heat, lack of body fluid, and thirst for Shengjin. Therefore, all five internal organs are yin and yin and yin." People with kidney yin deficiency have diabetes, dark eyes, tinnitus, and food.

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