Infants and young children can not eat coarse grains

Can baby eat coarse grains? Some people think that coarse grains can provide more nutrition, and some people think that too small children are not suitable for eating coarse grains. In fact, the answer is not absolute.


Coarse grains rich in crude fiber are beneficial to people of all ages, can help digestion and enhance gastrointestinal function. In the daily diet, the only way to eat fine, coarse-grained babies is to not have the opportunity to absorb the rich nutrients provided by coarse grains. Second, because of the lack of plant fibers, it is easy to constipate. Eating whole grains can also prevent pediatric obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, and the necessary chewing action when eating whole grains. It can not only promote the development of masticatory muscles and gums, but also reduce the residue of food residues and prevent tooth decay.

Baby eats coarse grains best after 1 year old. 4 to 6 months of the baby just started to add food supplements, the digestive system is not adapted to high-fiber foods, gastrointestinal function is poor, often diarrhea baby temporarily do not eat whole grains.

To eat coarse grains for your baby, one must pay attention to the thickness. When making steamed buns, add corn flour or soy flour in flour; make corn flour into corn paste, tortillas, etc.; combine porridge with millet and rice; make pulp with oats and mung beans, red beans, mix in rice flour for food supplement . The second is to make meticulous work. For example, adding oatmeal to water, adding milk, raisins, apples, heated to about 70 °C made of fruit oat bran. After the age of two or three, you can grind coarse grains and mixed beans into flour, mix them with wheat flour in a ratio of 1:3, and steam the rolls together with sesame or walnut powder.

Don't overfeed your child with coarse grains, 1 to 2 times a week, and gradually increase to 2 or 4 times a week. What needs to be reminded is that some things that are easy to make into mud, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, etc., are also coarse grains, so they should not be eaten every day.

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