Boar Survival Rate Improvement Measures

First, grabbed from the delivery room. In the delivery room, the mother wild boar must be fully sterilized by the shower and the delivery room is sterilized by flames to ensure that the sow has a clean and comfortable environment in the delivery room.

Second, prenatal 3 days with a safe mix of 10 ml 1 needle health care, postpartum cefotaxime + Houttuyfos injection intramuscular injection 2 times a day for 3 days.

Third, do a good job piglet production to prevent inflammation of the umbilical cord. Use ceftiofur as indicated for 3 to 4 days.

Fourth, do a good job of sow care, only sow management can not make the piglets diarrhea, grow faster, reasonably give full price nutrition and easy to digest feed, increase green feed and juicy feed. Give 1/3 of the feed on that day and gradually increase the amount of feed after the third day. If the mother wild boar is found to be agalactia-free, use Chinese herbal prolactin: 60 grams of Vaccaria, 60 grams of trichosanthin, 10 grams of angelica, 60 grams of Astragalus, 30 grams of silkworm, 40 grams of pass grass, 1 pheasant, 50 grams of brown sugar, 50 grams of ginger, 100 grams of black beans, 150 grams of glutinous rice wine, boiled, mixed with a small amount of feed to feed a female wild boar, fed twice a day.

Five, 7-day-old wild piglets start feeding. Under normal circumstances, the number of deaths of piglets before the age of 7 days accounts for about 60% of the total number of births. The main reason is: the lack of milk of the mother wild boar, piglets can not eat colostrum, resulting in decreased resistance Diarrhea, cough. In addition ground feces and urine can contaminate female wild boar nipples. The dampness and coldness of the pen house is one of the reasons that causes piglets to fall. The preventive measure is to make high bed bed and nursery net bed.

Six, good piglet insulation is the key to prevent diarrhea, cough, so the floor to pad wood plus infrared heat lamp to ensure the animal's spirit is good and active.

VII. Strengthen professional training of breeders: Keepers should carefully and carefully observe coat color, breathing, mental status, and eating habits. Immediately after abnormalities are discovered, treatment is the lowest cost and best effect. The general cure rate is over 95%.

Eight, vaccine use is reasonable, usage and dosage are accurate. The piglet was born 3 days old with a pseudorabies nasal drip. After 30 days of weaning, 7 piglets were intramuscularly injected and 25 sows were used. During the weaning period, 200 grams of powdered milk was added to the diet, and two times a day, free intake of food, free drinking water, keeping the room clean and dry, increased brown sugar in the feed, and antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. After 10 days, we went to weaned pig pens. 60 days for pseudorabies and swine fever.

Ninth, sows after weaning to breeding 3 days after the change of pregnancy feed, 17 days began to check the situation, 35 days for the second check to ensure that there is no estrus re-breeding, 90 days into the pregnancy barracks and increase feed, 1 week before delivery to the delivery room, There is a transitional period throughout the cycle to ensure that healthy piglets are born to increase the survival rate of piglets and increase their efficiency.

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