"Qiuzao" five autumn health coup

After entering the autumn, the climate gradually turns cool, and at the same time it is airy and cool, and the air is dry. Traditional Chinese medicine calls this climate feature “Qiuzao”. Qiuzao can lead to dry and chapped skin, hair loss, dry lips, etc. For Qiuzao, what are the countermeasures for TCM health?

1. Dry skin should be moisturized: The autumn climate is dry and the skin is particularly prone to dryness, itching, and even chapping in a dry environment. The first thing we need to do at this time is replenishment. Drink plenty of water every day, or you can drink some soup to ease the Qiuzao. Then bring a bottle of moisturizing spray to your handbag. Always spray your skin and keep it moist. After bathing, body moisturizer should be applied in time to reduce the loss of skin moisture.

2. Smooth mood and good spirit: Into the fall, people witness cold weather, flowers and withered, autumn leaves falling, everything is depressed scene, the hearts often come up feelings of sadness, desolate, especially some middle-aged and old people are easy to produce Depression. It can be described as a "eventful fall." Sad autumn can damage the lung and cause damage to the body's immune function, so that the body's resistance to disease declines. Therefore, we must pay attention to adjusting the spirit of photography to fall health. For the middle-aged and the elderly, we should cultivate a personality that is not like things, not being sad, optimistic, cheerful, tolerant, open-minded and quiet. Gather yourselves with God's spirit, keep your inner peace, calm your emotions, and avoid or reduce the impact of chilling in autumn on your spirit. Second, as much as possible to the sun, after the fall, less sunshine hours, relative increase in melatonin, thyroid hormone, epinephrine secretion is inhibited, people's mood is in a low state. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the exposure of the sun. When the weather is sunny, it is better to walk outdoors for more than half an hour a day.

3. Nourishing and moistening the lungs to adjust the diet: The dry autumn climate, in addition to external dry skin can cause chapped, hair loss, dry mouth, but also prone to dryness. Because of the lungs and the large intestine, dry stools can also appear in the fall. In order to prevent Qiuzao, the autumn diet should be based on nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs and preventing dryness and protecting the yin. You can eat pears, apples, grapes, bananas, radishes, lilies, and green leafy vegetables to help prevent dryness and eat less onions and ginger. , garlic, pepper and other hot and spicy things. Ducks, sea cucumbers and other foods are good for this time, and chicken, pork, beef, pigeons and other relatively flat products can also be properly consumed. However, for lamb, dog meat and other hot foods, unless the yang deficiency body, should try to eat less.

At the same time, the weather turns cold in the autumn, and the diet will unknowingly measure the amount of calorie intake. The body will actively store cold-preserved fat. People are not careful, and their weight will increase. This is even more of a threat to people who are already obese. Therefore, obese people should pay attention to weight loss in the fall. First, pay attention to the regulation of diet, eat more low-calorie foods, such as oats, lentils, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and so on. Second, the diet should be light, to avoid greasy, eat more foods rich in vitamins, such as broccoli, Poria, white fungus, pears, sesame and so on.

4. Appropriate work and relaxation of Qiu Qiu lack: As the saying goes, Chunqiu lack of summer fight. There is an old saying in the folk saying, "Summer is no more than three points of falsehood." This sentence is particularly evident in the elderly. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer is heavy "summer" and autumn is heavy "dryness." After the handover of summer and autumn, people are prone to fatigue, fatigue, etc., resulting in spleen deficiency, stomach deficiency, qi deficiency, and autumn lack is a protective response to compensate for the abnormal consumption of summer human body. Although after a period of adjustment and adaptation, Qiu Du will naturally be eliminated, but in order not to affect the work and life at that time, it is best to take appropriate preventive measures. First of all, proper physical exercise, such as walking and climbing, is a good choice. However, the strength should not be too great at the beginning and you should gradually increase the amount of exercise. Second, as much as possible to maintain adequate sleep at night, and insist on nap. Combining work and rest will help prevent and alleviate the lack of autumn.

5. Autumn freeze should also avoid the wind: "Autumn freeze" is the autumn "Lianyi cold" health, but must be done "Autumn freeze" Festival. After the beginning of autumn, the temperature has been declining, the temperature difference between day and night has gradually increased, the cold air in the north will continue to invade southwards, and there will be a phenomenon of “a fall rain and a cold”. From the perspective of disease prevention and health care, step-by-step practice of “freezing in autumn” and strengthening cold-proof exercise can enhance heart and lung function, improve the ability of the body to resist cold, and help prevent the occurrence of respiratory infections. However, if it is late autumn, in the event of a sudden change in the weather, the temperature will drop significantly, and it will still be thin pants and pants, which will easily be stimulated by cold and cause colds and other diseases, especially those with chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. , To increase clothes in a timely manner, cold and warm.

We use the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic as our health purpose, “Su Qiao’s Four Qis to Regulate God”, “Autumn in March, this is Rong Ping. The weather is anxious and the atmosphere is bright. To make peace and tranquility, to ease the fall of the sentence, to conciliate the air, so that Qiu Qiping, no outside of its ambition, so that the lung gas clear, this autumn should be, the way to raise income also. The inverse of the lung injury, winter phlegm, There are only a few Tibetans."

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