Treatment of "stained" shrimp

In the course of raising shrimp, it is believed that everyone has encountered contamination of the body of prawn, and everyone is helpless. Contamination: Another known as the arc foot, hanging dirty, that is, the entire shrimp body covered with dirt, so that the shrimp seedlings do not eat, can not normally grow peeling, affect vitality, and finally fatigued to death. The so-called contamination, under the microscope, shrimp body full of dirt or a large number of ciliates. The general technician encountered this situation is to increase the amount of feeding, increase the water temperature, and then use drugs to stimulate the shrimp skin, but this method can save the shrimp seedlings very few, or even all died! The author long-term exploration, summarized as follows A set of methods to treat the post-treatment seedlings with a seedling survival rate of more than 70%. You can refer to:

1. First increase the temperature of nursery water by about 2°C, and then put glucose in the nursery pool so that the glucose concentration in the nursery pool reaches the physiological concentration close to our body, and then it is re-injected in about 6 hours. Each time, 4ppm is put into the nursery pond. Electrolysis multidimensional, put 0.5P potassium permanganate around 12:00 on the same day.

2. Wait until the next morning, two or three o'clock in the morning will be able to find a lot of molting skin shrimp, after a large amount of molting skin and then put a glucose and electrolysis multidimensional into the nursery pond, four hours later you can vote 4ppm shrimp slices and 1ppm yeast, observe the seedlings Normal feeding can be done after normal feeding.

3. Finally, remember that the seedlings are stable for a few hours, exchange water in appropriate amounts, and deliver Bacillus.

The solution to this case is: shrimp cannot feed normally, supplement energy, stimulate skin peeling, and then repair the environment. This method of thinking can also be further promoted in the process of raising shrimp without shelling. It has been proved for many years that shrimp is not able to grow ciliates due to factors such as nutrition, and not because long ciliates result in no shelling. The solution can also be: replenish nutrients and energy to stimulate the shell to finally regulate the water environment.

Caphalopod Series

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