Winter stomach cold hard to warm stomach food can help

Are the cold-cold physique friends very hard to pick up in the winter? Is there any way to warm up the stomach? Today, Xiao Bian has come out for everyone. There are many recipes and fruits that have the effect of warm stomach. Don't miss it.

Winter warm stomach to eat what fruit

Apple: Apple is flat. Eating apples can relieve stomach acid. Many people in the winter, when they encounter a cold or unreasonable diet, often have stomach acid and are very uncomfortable. If you eat an apple at this time, your stomach will soon be comfortable. Apple contains a magical polyphenols "Apple phenol," easily dissolved in water, and therefore easily absorbed by the body.

Litchi: Litchi is sweet, sour, and warm. It warms the stomach and spreads coldness.

Grapes: Grapes can regulate the stomach. Grapes contain a large amount of acid can help digestion, clean up gastrointestinal waste, and have antibacterial effects on bacteria such as E. coli. Grapes also contain vitamin P, which can reduce gastric acid toxicity, treat gastritis, enteritis, and vomiting.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate is warm, there are many kinds of amino acids and trace elements, which help digestion, gastric ulcer and other functions. It can achieve the effect of strengthening stomach and enhancing appetite.

Pineapple: Pineapple is sweet and warm, with the effect of quenching heat and thirst, eliminating food and stopping diarrhea.

In addition, there are winter warm stomach recipes, continue to look down.


Winter warm stomach recipe recommended

Brown sugar ginger belly. Raw materials: One pig belly, 42 gingers, and 2 brown sugar. Method: Wash the pig's belly, ginger cut into wire, together with brown sugar into the belly of the pig, two with cotton thread, add water to boil, eat belly soup. Efficacy:Non-gastric analgesia is suitable for patients with spleen and stomach, cold, aggravating cold and pan-water. Do not recommend taking diabetes.

Cinnamon Amomum stewed sirloin. Raw materials: 250 grams of fresh burdock, 3 grams of cinnamon, 6 grams of Amomum, 3 grams of dried tangerine peel, and 3 slices of ginger. Method: Scrape the cinnamon off the rough skin, break the ambrette, and wash the orange peel and ginger. The burdock was washed and cut, and the water was deodorized. Put all the materials in the stew pot, add appropriate amount of cold boiled water, stew for 2 hours, and serve after seasoning. Efficacy: Warm and cold, relieve pain. Applies to patients with cold gas stagnation.

Pepper mutton soup. Raw materials: 150 grams of mutton, 10 grams of pepper, 6 grams of dried tangerine peel, 15 grams of ginger. Method: Wash and cut the lamb and saute the pot. Wash the pepper, orange peel, ginger, and lamb together into the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, boil after the fire, use simmer for 1 to 2 hours, seasoning after eating. Efficacy: warming the sun, cold and pain relief. Applicable to stomach patients with spleen and stomach Deficiency.

Ginger porridge. Raw materials: 10 grams of dried ginger, 10 grams of galangal, 50 grams of rice. Method: After the rice is washed, add water to the porridge. Add the galangal and dried ginger when it is ripe and cook it until it is cooked (about 5 to 10 minutes). Serve hot. Efficacy: Warm and cold pain. Applicable to patients with spleen and stomach Deficiency, frequent stomach pain.

Nucleic Acid Isolation Analyzer

Nucleic acid extraction instrument, is the application of supporting nucleic acid extraction reagent to automatically complete the sample nucleic acid extraction work of the instrument, nucleic acid extraction instrument is divided into two categories: one is a large automatic, generally known as automatic liquid workstation; The other is a small automatic nucleic acid extractor, using packaged reagents to automatically complete the extraction and purification process. Large automatic liquid workstation is suitable for extracting thousands of specimens of the same kind at a time because of the high cost of equipment and operation, so it is really applied less; And small automatic instruments, because of the low cost of equipment and operation, easy to operate more and more applications.

Purification Nucleic Acid Extractor,Nucleic Acid Isolation Analyzer,Nucleic Acid Isolation Analyze

The detection element scans the binding area and converts the optical signal to electrical
signal. The voltage variation between test line and background has a linear relationship
with the antigen concentration which can be used to calculate the concentration. In
conclusion, the antigen concentration in whole blood, plasma, serum, urine can be
calculated quantitatively according to the optical signal of the test line.

Nucleic Acid Isolation Analyzer,Nucleic Acid Isolation Analyze,Purification Nucleic Acid Extractor,Nucleic Acid Extraction

Changchun ZYF science and technology CO.,LTD ,

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