Jasmine Spring Field Management Techniques

First, appropriate early pruning

From late February to mid-March, appropriate early pruning (and corresponding field management) can promote the early vegetative growth of jasmine plants. There is a certain amount of leaf area coefficient before reaching a temperature suitable for culturing buds (25°C). Photosynthesis, accumulation of more nutrients, laid a good foundation for high yield and high quality buds.

The height of pruning must be kept at a height of about 20-30 cm. The old plants should be heavy sheared and the young plants should be lightly cut. For 1-2 year old or new plant species, they should also be cut short at about 20 cm from the ground in order to promote more low branches and produce high yield potential. When pruning, care should be taken to remove the weak branches.

Second, thoroughly clean the garden and prevent pests

Jasmine harm more pests and diseases, its wintering is mainly the branches and leaves of jasmine. After thorough pruning, attention is also paid to inspection. Plants with larvae or lesions are also cut off, and the gardens are cleaned thoroughly. All branches that have been cut, especially dry branches and leaves, are removed from the fields and dried. After fertilizing the soil, use lime sulfur to conduct a pre-flower insecticidal disinfection work, and strive to reduce the base number of pests and diseases.

Third, re-base fertilizer

After the pruning and clearing of the garden, the basal fertilizer should be re-applied. Basal fertilizer should be farm-based fertilizers, and apply 1,000-1,500 kilograms of mature pig manure, crop stalks, and bran cake per acre with appropriate amounts of superphosphate and potassium chloride or compound fertilizer. The basal fertilizer is applied on a 10-15 cm deep ditch on the surface of the flower field. After the application, it is combined with a clean ditch to cover the soil and covered with soil.

Fourth, clear the trench, do a good job in irrigation and drainage

Jasmine is a crop of Hirun, a drought-stained crop. Keeping the field moist is a requirement for the healthy growth of jasmine. After the fertilization, if there is dry drainage work.

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