Osamu how children can eat to prevent disease

According to the "Chinese Astronomical Calendar," the 6th and 8th of January 6th will usher in "Xiaohan" solar terms, marking the beginning of China's climate into the coldest time of the year. Osamu to how the children can eat can prevent disease around January 6 every year, when the sun moved to 285 degrees yellow, it is the beginning of the Osamu season. Meteorologists said that although the cold is colder than the cold, in the meteorological record, Osamu is often colder than the big, because the Osamu's solar terms are in the “three nines” cold days of “going out on the ice”. The folk song has the saying, "Osaka, the Big Chill, Dripping into Ice," "October and the Big Cold, and Cold into the Ice Mass."


Osamu to diet stress

1. Eat cold food and avoid cold

Children's diet should be more warm food, such as: papaya, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin, asparagus, ebony, liver, ham, chicken and so on. Often give your baby hot porridge, while dinner should not eat too much.

2. Ziyin Runzao fruit can not be less

After Osamu, be sure to let the children eat more fruits with nourishing yin and moistening. Pear is the first choice in winter fruits, it contains malic acid, citric acid, glucose, fructose, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of Vitamins, there are throat fluid, lungs and cough, nourish the stomach and other functions. In addition to apples, grapes are also a good choice.

3. Suitable for tonic

After entering the Osamu, at this time the human kidney is weak, suitable for tonic, the so-called "three nine make up a winter, no illness in the coming year." For older children, parents can properly allow them to eat more lamb, beef, oysters, sesame, yams and so on. There are many ways to tonic, ginseng chicken soup, donkey-hide gelatin soup, yams and steamed chicken are all good choices.

Recommended 丨 radish stew mutton

raw material:

400 grams of mutton, 400 grams of green radish, 200 grams of carrot, salt, ginger, bay leaf, cumin a small amount.


1) fresh mutton cuts, carrots and green radish peeled and cut hob blocks, ginger cut thick slices;

2) Put the lamb in the casserole, add cold water, boil the floating foam, add a few slices of ginger, a bay leaf and a dozen cumin, simmer for 40 minutes;

3) After the lamb is cooked, add green radish and carrots in the casserole and cook for another 15 minutes. After the radish is soft, add some salt to the seasoning.

With suggestions:

There are enough meats and green radishes, but there are few vegetables and there are no dark green vegetables. It is advisable to use fresh green leafy vegetables such as the boiled vegetable heart, or to add other low-oil vegetables rich in fiber such as cowpea or fried bean sprouts.

Sina Parenting Comprehensive Sina Health, Xinhua Report

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