Spring fish culture is good for "five early"

After the spring begins, the water temperature gradually rises, and the fish begin to ingest and gradually enter the growing period. This period of feeding and management is of great significance for winning high-yield and stable income throughout the year. Therefore, the “five early” should be grasped.

The first is to put the species into the water when the temperature rises to 8°C in the early morning and requires a strong physique, neat specifications, and a weight of 250 g or more.

The second is to invest in aquatic plants and concentrate feeds during the spring of early feeding, and later half of the aquatic plants and land grasses. Every time you feed, you must set a fixed time. The number of feedings depends on the weather, the water temperature and the activity of the fish. Feed should be clean, fresh and tasty. At the beginning, it is fed once a day, and after each morning and afternoon, the feed amount of the concentrate is 1.5% to 2.5% of the fish body weight. The feed amount of the green feed is eaten within 4 to 6 hours after feeding. It is appropriate.

Third, early fertilization at a water temperature of 7 °C ~ 8 °C, it should be fertilized and cultivated natural feed, generally per acre surface of livestock manure 100 ~ 150 kg. For chemical fertilisers, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers should be used as the main fertilizer, and potassium fertilizers should be used in combination with a ratio of 1:1:0.5. Fertilize once every 5-7 days.

Fourth, as early as the early spring water temperature is low, the fish body is small, the amount of food and activity is not large, the pond water level should be from shallow to deep. Water is added once every 15 days, and it is added to about 1 meter in April. When watering, it is necessary to install a fishing device to prevent wild fish from mixing in.

The fifth is to prevent the disease early and prevent the sewage from flowing into the fish pond, and do not feed the deteriorated feed, and often take preventive measures. Usually every 15 to 20 days with bleach or copper sulfate Quanchiposa 1, once the fish disease should be promptly treated.


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