Diet for patients with liver cirrhosis

For patients with liver cirrhosis, the diet should also pay attention to a lot of content, eat well in order to have a good help for the condition. Experts from the Shanghai General Hospital for the Study of Liver Diseases For patients with cirrhosis, in addition to proper rest and active treatment, a reasonable diet is also very important. The diet should pay attention to the following points:

1. When patients with cirrhosis have esophageal varices, the diet should be soft and easy to digest. Do not eat foods that are too hot and contain too much fiber, such as celery, bean sprouts, etc. Do not eat bones, stabs, and all hard foods to prevent the bleeding of the esophagus causing acute bleeding. Patients with cirrhosis generally have varying degrees of abdominal distention, loss of appetite, and indigestion. Therefore, the foods eaten daily are as diverse as possible, and the foods must be soft and delicious and easy to digest. In addition, feelings of joy, optimism, and physical activity that are within reach are important for the rehabilitation of this disease.

2. Liver cirrhosis reduces the ability of the liver to regulate blood sugar and is prone to hypoglycemia. Therefore, patients should add some sugar. In addition to three meals a day, we should also add some sweet cakes in the dining room. The amount of sugar and cakes should not be too much, 25-50 grams is appropriate. Because a lot of sugar is added once, it is easily converted into fat in the liver, which can cause fatty liver.

3, cirrhosis of ascites, to limit the intake of salt and drinking water, under the guidance of a doctor should eat low-salt or salt-free diet.

4. Hepatic cirrhosis has heavier liver damage. Hepatocyte regeneration and repair require a sufficient amount of protein. Therefore, patients with liver cirrhosis should supply 80-100 grams of protein per day, half of which should come from lean meat, fish and shrimp, dairy products, poultry eggs and soy foods. Patients with low plasma proteins and ascites should especially provide high protein diets.

5, a variety of vitamins directly involved in liver metabolism. Therefore, vitamin C intake should be comprehensive and abundant in patients with liver cirrhosis. B vitamins have important physiological significance for promoting digestion, increasing appetite, protecting the liver and preventing fatty liver. Vitamin C can increase the resistance of liver cells, and can promote liver cell regeneration and liver glycogen synthesis, improve metabolism, diuresis, detoxification, eliminate jaundice and reduce transaminase and other effects. Therefore, patients with liver cirrhosis should often eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to ensure the supply of vitamins to meet the needs of the body.

6, cirrhosis patients should eat a low-fat diet, if too much food intake of fat foods, not only not easy to digest and absorb, and too much fat will directly increase the condition, especially animal fat should be eaten as little as possible. In order to ensure low fat, dishes should be steamed, boiled, braised, stewed, braised, and eat as little or as little as possible.

7. Spicy foods such as wine and pepper are more irritating and toxic to the liver and should be contraindicated for drinking and eating.

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