Feed processing and modulation

Feed processing

Processing of fish and meat feed

Fresh sea miscellaneous fish, meat, liver, kidney, heart and blood of healthy animals, remove large chunks of fat, fully wash away dirt and impurities, crushed and fed. The intestines, spleen, lungs, and other impurities of freshwater fish and poultry must be cooked. Cysticerus pork (pox pork) can be processed and used after high-pressure cooking or fully cooked and fat removed. Fishmeal and meat and bone meal should be soaked for 3 hours to 4 hours. After 2 or 3 times of water changes, excess salt can be removed and mixed with other feeds. Blood meal and liver dregs powder are used after cooking. Silkworm cocoons must be fully soaked, and alkalis should be minced after cooking.

Processing of dairy and egg feed

Fresh milk, goat's milk, etc. must be disinfected prior to feeding. It is generally heated in a pan to 70°C to 80°C for 15 minutes. After cooling, it is fed to the feed. The milk powder was dissolved and diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:7 to 8 and fed into the mixed feed. Eggs mainly consist of fresh eggs, lean eggs, and eggs, all of which must be cooked and fed.

Fruit and vegetable feed processing

The roots and rots are removed from the vegetables, the dirt and impurities are washed away, and the harmful pesticides or fertilizers are rinsed, then minced and fed. Spinach has a laxative effect, it is best to use hot water and then mixed with other feed feed. Cut away the rotten parts of fruit, wash the soil and harmful pesticides and grind them to feed them. Tomatoes, zucchini, and leafy vegetables have a good effect.

Processing of grain feed

The seeds of the crops must be crushed to powder, and it is best to mix and match several types of grains for good results. Cereal feed must be fully cooked and utilized. If you are half-cooked, you may easily cause gastrointestinal dilatation or enteritis after eating, which is not good for your health. The processing method is steaming to make a head or boiled into a porridge, or it can be fried or puffed with a pan. Soybean can be made into bean juice. The method is to soak the soybeans for 10 hours to 12 hours and crush them (available in a pulper) to boil them. After the coarse cloth is filtered, the soybean milk is prepared. It can also be used to crush the soybeans into fine flour, boiled with 1 to 8 liters of soybean oil and 8 liters to 10 liters of water, and it can be used without filtration. The hot bean milk made after cooling is mixed with other feeds to feed oysters.

Vitamin feed processing

Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C. They can be dissolved in warm water below 40°C, and then fed into the feed before feeding. Fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin E and vitamin AD have higher concentrations. They can be diluted with soybean oil and soaked in feed before feeding. Medicinal yeast and feed yeast can be directly added to feed before feeding.

Inorganic salt processing

Salt must be accurately weighed and fully salted and then added to the mixed feed. Mix it thoroughly. Be careful not to use the salt directly in the feed. Bone meal and bone ash can be directly added to the feed in an amount, but be careful not to mix it with vitamin B1, vitamin C and yeast in order to prevent the active ingredient from being destroyed.

Modulation of feed

Through the above-mentioned processed feed, it is necessary to strictly test the weighing, weighing and mixing. In small-scale breeding farms, several kinds of feeds can be mixed and twisted. In large-scale breeding farms, fish, meat feed, livestock and poultry by-products can be firstly twisted, and then feeds such as cereals and vegetables can be ground. Finally, water, vitamins, or inorganic salt feeds can be added. , Stir well and feed.

In the process of feed processing modulation, pay attention to:

Strictly regulated according to the type and amount of feed specified in the feed sheet, it cannot be arbitrarily changed.

The modulation speed is faster and the processing time is shortened as much as possible. Each modulation should be completed before food intake, and must not be advanced so as to avoid loss of nutrients due to excessive time.

The ingredients are accurate, the ingredients are even and the concentration is moderate. The concentration during the breeding season should be thinner, and the non-breeding period should be thicker.

Feeds such as vitamins, milk, and yeast must be added just before feeding, and they must be mixed evenly to prevent premature incorporation into the feed and cause oxidative damage or inconvenience of unfavorable results.

Hot and cold, raw and cooked temperature differences in the feed, respectively, should be placed in storage, when the temperature close to put together and stir.

The thawed feed should not be stored in the spice room for more than 24 hours to prevent the feed from deteriorating over time.

Feed and water must be hygienic, must not use mildewed feed, water should be clean.

The feed distribution room should be kept clean and hygienic. The used equipment and tools used for processing feed should be cleaned in time and regularly disinfected with potassium permanganate or alkaline water.

Double Packed Black Waxy Corn

Purple corn. Green outer leaves with a touch of lilac, ear grain is a black yo-yo, not if fruit corn sweet, but Q bomb chewiness, do not have a flavor.Sweet glutinous corn with a purple black, it is full of anthocyanins oh!Anthocyanins are water-soluble, so when boiled, the water will appear purple and black. It is a natural antioxidant that helps maintain good health.

Purple Glutinous Corn,Double Packed Waxy Corn,Double Packed Black Waxy Corn,Double Packed Purple Glutinous Corn

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