Cucumbers fell down to pick up leaves

First of all, pay attention to the weather. Picking leaves and falling vines will cause more wounds. Picking leaves and falling vines may cause more harm to the cucumber pods on rainy days. First, there is less ventilation in cloudy and rainy days, and the air in the shed room is high in humidity. The wounds resulting from picking leaves and falling vines will flow out a lot of juice, causing the loss of plant nutrients. The rainy days are weak and the nutritional reserves of the plants are insufficient. If the wounds cause more nutrient loss, it will affect the normal growth of the cucumbers and weaken the disease resistance of the plants. Second, the sap from the wound provides opportunities for the survival and infestation of pathogens, which can aggravate the occurrence of diseases. Therefore, it is best to choose sunny mornings when picking cucumbers and dropping them.

Second, take care to pick the leaves before they fall. In vegetable growing areas, some vegetable farmers do not pick old leaves when they fall, which is mainly troublesome. However, the fallen leaves spread over the ground, and the leaves gathered, and they did not see the sunlight, and they had lost the necessity of existence. Moreover, if the leaves are not removed in time, it will result in poor air circulation in the lower part, high humidity, coupled with more cloudy days, increased humidity, and poor disease resistance. The pathogenic bacteria can easily infect the old leaves. Therefore, vegetable growers should pick the leaves before they fall.

Third, pick the leaves and pay attention to the handles. Because the cucumber petiole hollow, crisp, in the removal of old leaves, if the petiole removed together, it is easy to cause vine vine injury, if the humidity even when the dark days, it is easy to make the vine tissue around the infected wound disease, affect the The cucumber grows normally. If the petiole is left when the leaves are picked, the petiole will gradually yellow, and the junction with the stem will naturally fall off from the layer. Even if the wound is infested around, it can be found early and medication can be taken in time to prevent damage to the stem.

Fourth, pay attention to spraying and preventing disease after picking leaves. After picking the leaves, a lot of nutrient solution flows out from the wounds of the cucumber plants and it is easy to infect bacterial diseases from here. Before and after the leaves are extracted, 72% of streptomycin sulfate is added 3000 times and 47% of Garnett 600 times is added.

Fifth, picking leaves without acupuncture leaves attention to moderation. The thornless cucumber picking leaves or not depends on the season. In winter, the temperature is low, the ground temperature is low, and the light is weak. In the shed, the temperature must be raised and the light must be increased. At this time, the cucumbers in the shed continue to fall, and the vines spread on the ground will grow longer and longer, and the leaves will also increase. The leaves cover the ground will inevitably affect the ground to receive light, the ground temperature is low, and the root system It doesn't help growing. Need to remove a part of the leaves, increase the visibility of the ground, see more light on the ground, the ground temperature will naturally rise, the cucumber will also increase the capillary roots due to elevated ground temperature, the roots more stout. However, if the leaves are picked up after the ground temperature has risen, the roots will be damaged due to the strong light received on the ground, that is, the people often say that the sun has damaged the roots and steamed the roots. Leaves rely on long roots, yellow leaves will appear when the roots are injured, leading to premature aging, affecting production.


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