Temperature control of chick rearing

The chicks should be weighed 4 times the weight of the house after 7 days of admission. If this standard is not met, it will affect the growth and development of broilers. If the temperature exceeds 38°C for more than 3 hours in the first week of brooding, it will affect the growth and development of the chicks.

(1) Temperature control before picking. It is important to fully preheat the brooding room, preferably over 12 hours in advance, to keep the temperature of the air, ground, and walls of the house consistent. In the production practice, the temperature of brooding is often not met, although the temperature in the air meets the requirements, but the ground temperature is still relatively low, and the phenomenon of coldness is easy to appear the second day after the chickling. Although it can be adjusted, the late chicks often The gut is not good.

(2) Pay attention to temperature control during immunization. Every time the immunization needs to control the temperature, it is best to be 2°C-3°C higher than usual, because the immunity of the body is weak, it is easy to infect mycoplasma or colibacillosis, so during this period the chicken house should be kept appropriate temperature.

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