What does Bailu eat?

Bai Lu is approaching, Bailu eat what? Bailu health what methods? White dew is a typical autumn solar terms, white dew solar terms, the weather began to turn cold Oh! So Bailu health need to do what? White dew what to eat? Let's let Xiao Bian tell you about Bailu solar energy health.

White Dew Health: How White Dew Maintains Heart Vitality

1. Eat more foods rich in omega-3 can prevent heart disease. Recommended foods include deep-sea fish such as salmon and sardines, and nuts such as flaxseeds and almonds.

2. Eat more vitamin B6, B12, folic acid. When the digestive system converts animal proteins to energy, it produces a substance called homocysteine. The study found that too much homocysteine ​​in the body increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular sclerosis and stroke. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid can help reduce homocysteine ​​levels in the body.

3. The American Heart Association recommends daily intake of no more than 2.4 grams of salt. Nutrition experts suggest that low-salt sauces such as low-sodium soy sauce can be used for cooking.

4. Brush your teeth and stick to your floss to keep your gums healthy. This is because inflammation of the gums can cause oral bacteria to enter the bloodstream, causing inflammation of arterial blood vessels, causing the arterial wall to thicken and increasing the risk of arteriosclerosis.

5. Eat more garlic can reduce cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. In addition to adding garlic to food, 400-600 mg of garlic supplements can be used daily.

6. Eat more onions. Like garlic, onions also have cholesterol-lowering effects and prevent arteriosclerosis. It is recommended to consume 50 grams of fresh onions daily.

7. Capsaicin contained in pepper powder can promote blood circulation while reducing cholesterol levels. When cooking, you can use chili powder instead of salt to serve two purposes.

8. Roses soak in water. It is well known that excessive stress causes high blood pressure. Frequently used roses to soak in water, can reduce negative emotions, thereby reducing blood pressure.


Bailu health: proper diet

During the white dew season, autumn dryness hurts people, and it is easy to consume fluids. As a result, oropharyngeal dryness, dry stools, and chapped skin often occur. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this is the reason why the lungs and large intestines express the lungs and the main skin. Therefore, from a dietary point of view, attention should be paid to nourishing yin; Fall corresponds to the lungs, so pay attention to raising lungs during the white dew season. Because "the main gas of the lungs, the division breathes, the main propaganda and the downfall, the hi-run is not like the dryness." So the white dew season can not be blindly tonic. It is recommended that light, easily digestible, and vitamin-rich vegetarians should be the main dietary adjustments. On the diet, it is recommended that the public should eat more pears, white fungus, honey, lily, wolfberry, radish, soy products, eat more orange and yellow vegetables, such as pumpkin, carrots and so on. In addition, it is also necessary to eat some green leafy vegetables to make up for vitamin C, such as kale, spinach and green cauliflower.

“The suitable diet for white dew season is lotus lily porridge, ginkgo chicken dip, yam, etc. These diets have the effects of Qingfei Runzao, cough and asthma, nourishing blood, spleen and kidney, and asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis, and allergies. Persons with respiratory diseases such as rhinitis, try to eat less fish, crabs, shrimps, leeks, pickled foods with cold food, and too greasy fatty foods. Chinese medicine believes that seafood is mostly cold products, easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, gastrointestinal function Bad people should eat less or not eat seafood, while eating spicy foods such as peppers will affect the lungs, stools and skin.

During the white dew season, many people think that the hot summer season has passed and autumn and winter seasons have already arrived. Therefore, just in the autumn, they began to “stick a lot of tonics” and neglected the seasonal susceptibility to diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, which is well-developed in autumn. As bronchitis and asthma, it is necessary to vary from person to person while supplementing. Especially for those diseases caused by physical allergies, dietary adjustment must be more cautious. For those who are physically weak, this time, it is best to use food supplements instead of drug supplements, and food supplements first push porridge.

Health experts say that during the white dew season, drinking bowl porridge in the morning can cure Qiuliang and prevent Qiuzao. Such as Tremella porridge, lotus rice porridge, sesame porridge, red dates porridge, sweet potato porridge, corn congee and so on. Wei Xinjun said that for patients, drugs need to be diagnosed and treated with symptoms, and for healthy people, they can also be supplemented.

Twenty-four solar terms "white dew", the temperature and humidity have been reduced, the air pressure has increased, in this condition the body heat consumption also increased, making the sudden increase in the required energy, and throughout the summer inside the body The "deficit" of energy consumption has not been filled up, and it is prone to fatigue and fatigue. To ease this phenomenon, first adjust the daily living hours and strengthen exercise, change the habit of sleeping late in the summer, ensure that the rest time is about one hour more than summer, and take a walk in the early morning and early evening to increase the amount of exercise to stimulate the vitality of the body.

Appropriate ingestion of nourishing and moisturizing foods on the diet, eat more alkaline foods rich in vitamins, such as apples, carrots, kelp, etc., these foods help eliminate physical fatigue, meat can choose duck meat, especially Laoya can fill up the visceral viscera of five internal organs. It is also an irritating heat source, and it also uses blood to boost blood flow, raise stomach and produce fluid. It is suitable for early autumn consumption. Inedible acid foods such as egg yolk and cheese, as well as dog meat, are warm to the dog's body. After eating, they will not only get angry, but also dry and hurt the yin and increase the lack of body fluids.

Medicated cuisine: fresh lily steamed duck


About 300 grams of fresh lily washed and drained; about 1,500 grams of a duck, go hair, laparotomy, wash and drain; put the duck into a large porcelain basin, back down, belly up; first put the lily into the duck Within the belly, add the cleaned duck viscera; pour a small amount of rice wine and fine salt, and finally bend the duck head into the abdomen; pound the duck body with a cotton thread; steam up the steamer for 4 hours. When the duck is crispy.

Tonic guide

Duck soup is not only nutritious, delicious, but also Yang Wei Sheng Jin, together with the lungs and cough, soothe the Lily, so that this dish has become a good food for the early autumn.

Radix Ginseng Porridge

Raw materials: Adenophora 15-20 grams, Poria 15-20 grams, 3-5 grams of roses, 100 grams of rice, crystal sugar amount.

Practice: First fructus lycorrhizal decoction to the residue, after the concoction with wolfberry, glutinous rice into the casserole, add water, amount, use the slow fire porridge, wait until the porridge will be cooked, add roses, rock sugar, stir and cook a while can. Daily morning and evening warm intake.

Efficacy: Ziyin Runzao, nourishing eyesight. Good for dry and cough due to lack of blood and yin, blood in sputum, dry throat, hoarseness, burning in stomach, hunger, no appetite, retching, hiccups, dizziness, dry eyes, blurred vision, hand, foot and heart Low heat and so on.

Note: Cough caused by exogenous cold should not be taken.

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